It's such a crockpot full of grade A beetlefeed that people don't like to be men. The rule for a man is simple; to thine own self be true. You know you've heard it. You know you've seen it.
I'm just saying,
So really, just try. Just put your feet in the dirt and don't give a damn about it. Give a damn about getting it done right. And getting it right sometimes is going to involve getting dirty. Handle it. Always handle it.
Easier said than done, but that doesn't mean you don't need to do it! Do the damn thing!
Learn what the future holds by planning it, and following the flexible, elastic, savvy plan. Make sure the core values of the plan - the foundation - is kept well managed at all times. That means you, because there is no plan without a proponent. Some one has to get it started. Remember,
And on the real, listen to Hammer on this song, y'all. That shit is hilarious but true. I met Hammer before, and that dude is a real ass Man. That's what's up, Hammer. Staying true and being benevolent. This man worked and handled his!
Alright, One.