Can I have her back Lord? Every time I see the fog, I am reminded. I thank you Lord.
The best is yet to come. I am sitting in the Church. I sat with Tidal Ivan. He is not a bad guy. He is plugged in. I have to watch for plugged in people. Pips.
I don't remember there being any pips around. When I was young, the neighborhood was the same. The only thing now, is new kids. New kids learn new things. But they learned to appreciate that same old sh--.
When you get to going in life, you learn different sh--. You learn different importances. But must you change with them? No. Stay the same. Remain humble. Have wits. Do the same thing, only better. Don't change who you are.
This is the reason - because life will change. Life will change more than you. Looking at tide. Go to the ocean if you are able to. Consider the oceanic waves. How they come, how they go. But the sand remains. And, the ocean is still doing the same.
So you don't have to stop bringing in the tide. You have to do a better job each time.
I met the old lady. The old ass lady. I think she's a bit smarter than she lets on. That's good because, if I knew how smart she was, I'd ask her a lot more stuff. She's not going to eat until 2pm. That's sad. I should have fixed more breakfast. If she was smart, she'd sleep in until I get back.
That's nice to help the old lady. It's nice to be in church. But the messages are different. There's no need to change who you are. Like I said.
You have to remain the same. Don't let people try to control you. Congratulations to my mother. I am proud of her. She sang with The Isley Brothers. I have seen she made it.
Now, I really believed it was a tribute act. Not the actual men, but a band playing their hits. I didn't believe she hadd made it. Yet, I had no reason to doubt her. I thought she could, and she did. She actually made it.
I don't see a reason to go against another man. If you make a good reason, then you'll learn. You don't want to change who you are, Robert. Don't let the people change your good nature.
I went a far way and realized, life is not all that far. I appreciate what I have. I saw a woman with big breasts this morning. Nice big tits. Latina tits. Good for wood chuck Latinos. The other pair I saw were covered. If they had tits on a wall, I think some guys would go for it.
However, you have a reason to motive yourselves. Don't ever think you are able to beat me. You'll never beat me in anything I'm supposed to win. I'll always be the one. Only The Lord IS Above Me. OTLIAM clothing.
I am the Highest. Only The Lord Can Match. That's a good way to feel. Thank you.
Now, for Brenda, I love her. She makes me happy. I wish I could see her and talk to her. I will I was there to hold her, and touch her.
I put.