To be human. An adult. Don't compromise. headings. White people command you quietly. All these advertisements commanding me. It's like I'm in a circus of buying.
And another thing, "Pete stew" is a bad name. A really bad name for a pasta.
There are four barns waiting. Waiting to be filled.
I took twelve midgets camping once. to the roof of my mind. They never got out.
Come along little children. Let them learn the ways of banter. Origins of banter. The nonsens by the door. Never spoken on the tongue. Only use your rear end. Is that anal suggestion? To you, it is.
I don't want anal suggestion. I want saggy tits. I want to suck my wife's breasts. Do you know why? Because she loves me. That is why.
Your wife loves you. She loves your sweaty ass. She loves that you work. She loves that you are at home working. What a miracle.
You don't hate to leave the house. You don't have to leave the house. You can stay home and work. What a concept.
And it worked. You work now, earning money online. Always learn from your lessons.
Take the plunge. Become a citizen today. First of all, who made that word? Is Citizen in the bible? Yes it is.
Wow, so God made that word? Wow. What a wierd sounding word Lord. You don't know The Lord better than Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful to keep writing.
I think if you tell the people you're a fish underneath, they'll take rice.
I took rice today. Took rice, turkey and sauce, turkey cheese and rice supplied by the Church. Praise The Lord.
I wate, and feel glad to have eaten. There is enough food for everybody.
I think Everybody's wife, the one with the nice ass, she's good for him.
I think you need to reconsider Brenda. I love her. I is all.
I no other. I only. Only me. My wife. Tender love. Real love. No need for a substitute. I hope I do not have roach on my hand.
That's a travisty. There's nothing like a crushed thorax between your fingers. The fingerprint is challenged.
I don't think so. It doesn't feel like the roach splash hit my hand. Made it to my hand. I think it just fell. Trying to get the soda. How can I get the soda, perhaps. The goal of the roach. Why am I talking about insects online? Because maybe they're thinking about getting online.
There are insects on earth. Why not create insects online. That do things to files. And procreate to earn money? How about a particular insect that flies from mp3 to mp3, seeking bits to tie toghether for money. So 40 mp3s gets a bit of coin. YLord. Lord Jesus Christ.
Why do these people ignore the Law? The Lord Loves You. Do not Ignore The LAw.
Like that time in Inglewood with Brenda on Queen street. She wouldn't shake my hand. She wouldn't even talk to me. She was with another man. I don't know what happened.
Oh. Ok. Thanks.
I didn't realize it was that.
I laid with her. I slapped her on the butt. I said "That's enough for now" or something like that. She took it the wrong way.
"Excuse me pimpmaster J" She literally ssaid. I didn't know how to respond.
That's when I knew I was doing wrong. You can go inside this woman, but you cannot be man enough about what comes out? Even thoughts, talking whatever? You have to realize.
First of all, when you make love to a woman, you are programming her. That's right. You are making her wholly yours.
You cannot play with this. You are making her your wife. Now if you pull out, if you say, "I don't", then you've make a mistake. But the Lord Forgives. You are Forgiven. Sadly, she has a have done program in her system now.
You can uninstall it, but the only way is to go back in there. Where you supposed to be in there in the first place? If she's not your wife, no.
You cannot fornicate AND be great. There's no way. I have 2 minutes left. You have to be honorable at all times. There's nothing like honor. Nothing will take the the place of honor. Nothing will beat, trump honor. Nothing but Honor will win.