The sea likes me. I can tell by the killer whale in the pool. A self explanatory measure. The message read, I am with you. I swam mext to the killer whale. It appeared on my left. In the pool, I used some dort of bouy thing. It was like a kid's floaty toy. I used this toy to float. It was yellow with black handles. It had some sort of design on there also.
Before, I was using some multi color float toy, but with no handles. I didn't quite know what was happening, except I had to float. I swam and the whale was friendly, but I was scared.
I thought the whale would eat me. It didn't. It instwad swam near me in a friendly manner. But I was still scared. I didn't want to fall in or drown. I remember this.
When I woke up, i am here at ny mother's house. I come for one day, and we war, watch a movie and clean up. What a night. It started qith fush amd ended with cat litter.
On the way here we went tobthe fishvplace. The order was written, and in pen someone touched my butt. I know they did, I can feel it. So it was like trying to control. So eager to control me. Wanting mme to fail or just gwt in place. The dish place is called "Angel". In there, the Latino working got into a small argument. About what I don't know. I sat with my mother.
When we got the fish, it was like my mother was negative. But she's flaking off. The badness is wearing. Its not used to taking this good ass whooping of positivity. I delight in knowing God Is In Control.
I ate the fish in the living room of my mother's house. Am glad to be here. Not interested in the haters any more. I used to be thoroughly concerned. Now, I'm about as concerned as a rabbit. I can hop around it now.
The bed Im in is in the middle room. I spend many nights here. I am glad the house is still standing. The yard all of this belongs to the family.
My mother said something about section 8 low income housing. I got offended. If I can work then I don't need that. Someones hand out, why do I need that. Game food why do i need that? Why do need someone else to pay for me. Let me Lord figure it out. I xan figure out how to win. I xan figure out how to earn a living. I'm not concerned about people following my steps now. Sabotaged" haters, people who would be hurdling me, I forgive them. This is no rave to the finish, my life. This is once in forever.
The internet is the frontier. I have skills I will list now. This is the toolkit I'm starting with:
Css a while bit.