Is what one of my uncles told me in a careful, pin and needle conversation recently. Although we danced around volatile tension, the transfer of wisdom between us is always endearingly stuffed with vies for dominance. As a young sun, it's difficult not to see the right in your every step, and it's good to know someone older and possibly wiser than you has the care in them to let you know, in whatever way, that you don't know a damn thing.
So during this, one of the things we talked about was being a man - and having the discern to see what a real man was as compared to what happens when you don't "make the grade." It seems that much of what creates a man is based on the direction of his thoughts, a root from which everything else cascades. For a man, to be good means to develop momentum of good thoughts, and then to ripple that momentum out physically - so then he's doing good things. Your intent, therefore, is your compass. The purpose then becomes to decide which way this intent will go.
In any given direction, there is potential for power, ruin, and victory. Too much of any of those will change you, in whatever slant that direction is. So if your intent is to be the most attractive male you know, then you start on a quest to develop this power.
Now once you get it - and you will - then you have to worry about abuse. Will you downplay others for your own selfishness? Will you spiritually become a bully? This direction, selfish in nature, will now crust over, giving you thick skin and feelings which are consequently hard to pierce. You become now ruined as long as you cling onto the selfishness, because you become isolated. That isolation leads you to power, but keeps you from circulating that power...because you are isolated So it implodes eventually.
But the other important factor is being able to work - to not dodge or create crafty machines to do the work for you, but to have the physical capacity to serve. There is no higher purpose today than to serve your fellow man. "There will be time to rest," he says. I believe him.
Be well,
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