I've seen some sad ass shit go down in my time, but none quite like the shit shoved in the mouth of a quitter. They stink, reek of day old lame, and lure with them those strange ants and are attracted solely to the smell and taste of raw failure.
But this is not for you.
I've been getting back into playing video games again, sort of a rock toss at back-in-the-day life. It seems like I've spent too much time back in the day and not in the present day. Sadly, what I can do about all that is very much nothing. I can't do a damn thing about last night. It's over. That's a hard, hammer to the elbow lesson we all have to digest as early as possible. The present moment, is the future. Therefore, if you're still, you had better have a good reason to be. Flux is a way of life for most.
But then there are some who, just because of their arrangement - prevail. And that's all it takes. Funny thing is, that's all it takes for all of us. Simply to have the proper arrangement with ourselves - in our environments. But I go into shit like that in desk buddha mode, which is not this. This is Guy Mode. Let's be guys and get the fuck out of that. For right now at least.
So here's the thing - you're wack. And you better learn to say more than some pootcloud-ass shit like, "dude, what the hell?!" That type of mess gets people bitterly chewed and coiled between bicuspids. Be yourself congruently and know how to press 'Bold' with it. And italicize it too. Dammit.
That's all for now, but before we get outta here, we gotta get some of this to you:
Have a good one. God Bless.
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