Thursday, October 24, 2019

Get a permanent Job.

My mother says. She's right. So what is a permanent job?
  1. A stable, reliable income. 
  2. Benefits, including health and dental.
  3. 3. Taxable income, so there are returns. 
This means I have to legitimize online. 

What I do permanently now is work online. I work exclusively on the internet. 

I sell. That's what I do online. I sell. 

I could have told this to the reverend, today. I could have been in sales. I could have told him "Yes, I sell. I sell what though? 

That's private. 

I work online is enough. You know I work, and you know where I work. Everywhere. Anywhere. Wherever there is a car charger, a wall plug, an charer, MY phonoe, I am working. I am not working ni a building per se - unless you could where I am privildeged to rest. I don't htink anyone else would have a reason to doubt me when I say this is a good living. 

It's not enough, some say. They are right. It isn't enough forever. But it's a start. It's the bveginning . Of habving money. Of being independent. Is that so important? Lord, I sdon'[t want to just "be free". Froee of what? Bullsh-. But I create it. I f I were more humble, it wouldnnt be so hard. However, abuse and humilty are similar, but not related. 

Abuse is not doing right and continuing. 

Humility is doing right despite who knows. Otheers whoulnd't always know your step next. 

Don't forgert also you are human. 

The others, they are human. 

You focus on you first, not them. 

The Lord says consider your brother. He says. 

So I will. First.  First Charity Millionsary Babptist Church. First, beceecause I love you. 

Thenk, there's the weed. You can't be serious to think vaping a little wasnt happening. I think this is needed in this digital world. 

But it's not. That's a habit the kids will break. 

If I ever have any. 

Is there a reason, A way? Is there someone out there fire me, Brenda?AM i decieving myself ever . No. I love her, that's ewnough for me. 

The freedomo to be that. 

I dont like that word freedom. It sounds too much like irresponsible. 

I don't like to not give account for the next step. I like always to know what step two three and four are. 

So here I am. 

I love You Lord. 

I have to get a permanent job. What does that mean? It has to mean those three things. 

This means, I get up, go somewhere else, and come back later at night. 

Whatif I can stay put and make a little less, but be at home all day. 

I have to vbe disciplined, good, able and poweerrful., 

The problem is thwe woman likes the break. 

That's right. The woman likes the break during hthe day. To miss you, to want you around. To need you. To wish you were there. 

And to f000 somebody else. 

I'd rather be at home. Right there on the computer. Right there. Right in the way. Right in fromnt of all the people there. That's where I like to be 

Is that right? No.  thini yoiu need to go out, like your mother says. Go get a permanent job. 

That means you can't be smoking. 

I dont know any other way. 

I have to work online. 

So here's the first step - you go out sometime during ther day. You leave for say 4 hours, ands come back that evening. 

That's stupid if you arent't working. 

So working online isn't really work. Yet. 

It'll be work. It'sll somehone tranform into work. From the diligence I put in. 

I don't disobey my mother. I cannot do that. She says get a opermanent job. I work online. 

Praise The Lord.   

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