Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learn more Earn more.

As of right now, I work online.

I will be working online indefinately.

I don't have much to offer. Yet. I work mainly to support myself, and my group. I give tithes to the church. I think this is appropriate since they are helping me in every regard. The way I think o f all this is simple. I fi I can get the most money from my situation, I can be the most blessing. Does this make sense?

This has to make since in order to win.

I have no need to be mad about anythin since I made this situation myself.

I worked with others and they turned out to be in the game. I am not, si this is hard for me. I realize now I need to travel this frontier.

Online, I don't have anyone who can stop me. I'm not trying to destroy lives, so I don't think I need to be stopped. However, I live in a world where others don't seem to feel the same way, and, like pacman, they come to seek me out. I need the high score, not game over.

I said I wasn't in the game.

Still, I don't think $40 is bad for a smartphone. That's what I have in the bank this week so far. If I continue to do this surveying method, I'll be the laughing stock of Walmart, where I cash out.

Still, I rise. I don't know a reason not to. I love you Brenda. I love my mother too. Although she didn't get the weed. I wanted her to get me a level, but she wanted me to spend the money on the phone bill. Now, the phone is how I earn, so yeah. She's right. However, I'm still mad. I wanted the money for myslef, mo weed. I have to be doing better than this.

There's got to be a way form me to earn $100 a day online. I know there's a way. I can put articles up, but the purpose i to help you and for me to vent. Can both happen? They sure can. I can help you and vent at the same time. Think that's the best way.

Can I talk a little smack and you come back? Probably. If I do it right, right? I'ma try to do it right, because I want you to come back.

The reason is because I love Lord Jesus Christ. HE's the reason I write at all.

Lord, Thank You.
For all my life, here you've been. You've helped me through everything. Through  it all. The reach, the teach, the lesson, the mhamburger, the nerd, the wallet, all that. There aren't very many thinkgs you cannot do. The only think g you cannt do Lord is Be God. God is Above You. I am not even worthy of a dust speck a mile away from you.

Still, I worship Thee.

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