Ok? Because I went there, and it was he--. A slice of it. Loike barely but still. It was there. And I has it too slice so let me goahead and just confirm what happeneed.
First off, I lied about the weather never no times, so get it straight 1998 was when I haD MY first - so anyway - the story goes I walk in and they say the stop I need is closed.
Closed, I say to myself. The MACHINE said 8. I was walking in there something 7.
So I glance again and say dang. I walk out with no money.
I don't care how many n--gas were all happy I was broke, but so what. They have time later.
Happy Birthday Marcus! I hope you turn 35!
I am going to miss you. Your mother told me "Move on", so that's what I'll have to at least pretend to do. You know I love you. I can't get over you. There is no other, your mother. That is all.
The fact remains I love her. I really do, but it's a strange love. You don't need cameo In your house tonight. Unless you like the album. Then jam on.
Take biscuit.
Now, back to Walmart man I walked out and there was this dude and his big titted woman and I looked. Then the dude spoke.
I said spoke, what do you have to say to another man like that? You are with yrtour woman. Who are you talking to walking up? Me Lord? It's me oh Lord. I guess it's me then.
So the dude says something blabla doing> Like he knows that word. A come on challenge at all.
Not happening.
I storm off. I walk around the corner. Thhen another turn to the light.
Once I'm waiting, the bus is also. There's a delay here. The kids walk up like little bangeen and I'm saything to myselkf, what have I done Lord? What possesses them to challenge life at all?
When you challenge life you get shot or shot at. When you challenge police they shoot. Why challenge anyone but yourself?
Challenge yourself to be a better human being. Challenge yourself to know how to treat your brother. Lord Jesus Christ is The King.
I say this. Brenda, happy Birthday.
I said to myself to the kid, shot the f--- up" Now, I was wrong to think that. Those molecules didn't need that. Yet, I was mad. I get mad and I think mad then.
What do you do when you get mad? Do you turn over a new daisy leaf and cower? Do you cockatease a shower? To you spread lthin leaves by the fall?
You pleasure union. That's what.
And another thing, your mama. Has big tits. That's what I like. The big tits. My lobe. There.
Now, the moral is I don't like to hate. I don't like getting mad in the public, because they might not take it the same way as I do. They might really go out of bounds with this.
Lord Jesus Christ is the King. Let me calmm myself.
The roaches are storming the wall offa this typing. What Lord have I written? They need to go in the trash and eat. Or to bed.
They do not need to be seen by me. They have plenty of dwelling. They have a skyscraper of cans. They can do business there. Roach business. Nasty.
Still, I rise up. I rise Lord to the occassion to settle down. Oh yes, I've Lord found my medium. In all labor there is profit for hot jelly, wouldn't you say?
Or would you care to know anyway. Ha. I suppose the foreign rule would discharge your apricorn. Apricot corn. Tere's a snack.
So here's the keep off limits. First of all:
No cursing out line. This means getting carried away outside. This means death, in some parts. In your part, it Lord, means clown. We clown here, w3here I'm at. You know who is it.
Second, don't even think about getting ready. Be ready already. About readiness whatever. Don't even think about not even trying. Think trying about thoughts you measure. Don't even realize yet. Just succumber. Deliver.
I made up a word. Maybe it means succumb to a cucumber. Maybe it means burger. Maybe it means shut the front door and eat pork, is what.
Eat this little sausage and be alright. You could have had a sausage biscuit but no, have the sausage and take biscuit with it.
Bring two links out and cut them. Then, take the pieces on a tray.
Then, the bread in the freezer, bring about two pieces to a close and take thos with the links. Throw relish on there for a whole meal. Accept you can't because you didn't buy the meal. That's right Lord. You didn't buy the meal.
The white rice in the microwave, let's try that. Find that out.
What I'm saying is, you can't be free to leave if you succeed without openness. You think you can breed without war? You know nothing of cancer yet.
The rune shall be upon you, to thirst your soul. But alas Lord Jesus Christ is here.
He won't find you guilty. Won't try to take you away, won't kill you without a little homework. You may do as you please, Let's make love. My wife, I'm talking to.
She's Brenda, in my mind. We are married, and will have children. We are together forever, like the creep would say. I apologize for going to my cousin's house during the time we cound have spent together.
I was a fool, Lord. I was a bitter fool. I made stupid mistakes. I wonder if I'll ever get to correct them.
I want love, Lord. I want to suck 'em. I want my wife's tits Lord.
But once I get em, I don't want them anymore. I've had them, you see. I must make love new. Lord You have HElped me Thank You!
You have helped me fix my problems.
Praise The Lord.
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