Friday, November 29, 2019

Conflict is incomplete.

When you are fighting, it is because you have not completed your goal. When you are having a goal, it is because you are striving internally. To be able to strive on the inside, it is because you have been enabled to free your mind. You are not free alone, but you Through the Lord, may work out your diffences.

What is different is important because you have a comparison which to compare your efforts against. With added timing, you are able to reveal the secrtets behind your actions.

Take going to the bank, for example. Big titties awaited me. I was delighted to learn that the small money I was able to make was not enough to deter the big titted Brenda like to tell me the amount and count it out. She didn't make me feel bad. She made me feel good I was making a little money, and trying. I am not trying enough I thought. I am not doing my best. This is why the number is so low.

LEave something in the pot. If you are spending money you earned, leave $10 in. This way, if there is an emergency, you at least have $10. This can pay for a phphone call, and perhaps a small blanket in case you need it.

I remember being outside all night for Nintendo Wii with David. I didn't ever have to be in the cold, and for this reason, I was away from home, out in the freezing cold. It was indeed cold. It was colder than a frozed soda. I was cold. I was like, Lord It's cold. I'm burning all the way not. I have no burn marks, Lord. It' is cold.

I thought I wanted to be fireman after that coldstorm. No, instead I'm a visiter, not ever after six pm now. It was cold.

I cashed out at Walmart too. I cashed out there, and cashed a check. I could have cut another one, but I wanted some money in my hand. I need to cut another check by sunday. There took her down!

I think that's good. I'd take my woman down. She wore a black all black as night. I was happy she was there. I saw her, but in the Dream she said Ivanka Trump. I knew it was her, but I couldn't say anything yet. If you work real hard all day, and go to be tired, you'll see her good, your wife. I love you. Tunmininu, I love too. But that's not my wife. She will be the wife of a tall man. Yet they say. I am not sure about at all. But she will marry, be happy and fine. There is a boy too.

Someone else is having a boy, Camille. She's having a boy, almost by me. She's not my woman. I wouldn't mind. She's still a handful! Every woman is. You aren't going to get all the joy. Brenda is the one. She's the one to make you happy, and to make her happy. You make her happy, but you won't know until you reach a certain point. You have to love her 1000 times in one day. You have to reach this goal. Then, you will see the treasure to get.

I have the schedule to earn my big tits.

4 am to 8pm. That's it. Work that schedule.

When you get the end, then you'll get at least $35.

At the end of the week, you'll have $150. If you don't spend anything, you'll have a total of 600 a month from that.

Then, if you're a caregiver, then you'll get something like another 600. So you'll make a solid $1200 a month.

You may earn this amount also by finding more work online.

I have repented from blunts. I'm not saying they're bad, just beer for me. I don't drink beer so there you go. I mean, I could have a beer, but not.

Lord Thank You.

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