Saturday, November 23, 2019

Joke ideas

[ ] Your Offer Is Waiting
[ ] Just frighten her into childbirth
[ ] Freaky with you
[ ] Then they scare the shit out of you
[ ] All the body parts
[ ] You be like "I wanna sack her like that." What a first down that was
[ ] And pounce ooh girl I wanna get you wet up and down
[ ] Just sneak up
[ ] I love Them old 90s love ballads because They pounce on you.
[ ] Reverse R Kelly
[ ] A woman will never get tired of laying on her back.
[ ] Molecular distribution can answer.
[ ] Cali'd out
[ ] I don't want no niggaz knowing.
[ ] Negative niggaz
[ ] What you're going to get
[ ] Black Acknowledgement
[ ] Relax me
[ ] Oh you found something
[ ] Be on em
[ ] Judo Ayudo
[ ] Boss for Latinos
[ ] Causing niggaz
[ ] The Cold way
[ ] Elizabeth didn't earn all this.
[ ] Church is catnip.
[ ] Sh-- niggaz need
[ ] How do you teach niggaz without hurting them all the way?
[ ] Dont let me catch you thinking about multiple n8ggaz.
[ ] Dont let me catch you looking at multiple niggaz.
[ ] Shell Shocked
[ ] That's a requirement
[ ] "I'll never defeat my Dad!"
[V] Parents
[ ] Thats all I have is a low credit score. I rap about Litttle Credit.
[ ] Im tryna sign this rap deal under the name
[ ] Little Credit
[ ] If you're play8ng it's worth the same.
[ ] Mr. McClendon
[ ] Dr. McClendon
[ ] You earn it.
[ ] You dont just get it
[ ] Telling the truth just as fast.
[ ] You do not need control of my mind also.
[ ] We are flesh and blood Moma.
[ ] Because I
[ ] But you felt so empowered by her...charms
[ ] You know she wasn't supposed to come outside in that.
[ ] We forgot to cooperate
[ ] Have we become so self important
[ ] Naw.
[ ] For dinner
[ ] Be in the room like "are you thawing fish out"?
[ ] No
[ ] The same thing with your wife. Make sure it's clean
[ ] Make sure it's clean before you turn it on.
[ ] There you go
[ ] Treasure houses
[ ] Jewish Math
[ ] And its happening again
[ ] They're older
[ ] The moment shall unfold.
[ ] By crying.
[ ] You get your love
[ ] You got to do some whining and crying about it.
[ ] Queen of no
[ ] Coach comedy
[ ] GEM lateday
[ ] If it has made a way
[ ] Take a second off there
[ ] First of all
[ ] Little scary
[ ] At the Apollo on House VIdeo
[ ] You know I ganked that from Steve Harvey.
[ ] sure to be dry
[ ] I'm almost sure you have heard that before
[ ] Excuse me Say yea
[ ] Is it West coast world right here
[ ] Its a west coast world
[ ] How will
[ ] Because you have to like how it is.
[ ] Get on one knee if it's the good.
[ ] I know it's good but don't bow for it.
[ ] Therefore don't worship your woman.
[ ] Worship is wrong because its endless.
[ ] I feel like I'm controlling the internet.
[ ] If I want rice now I fix rice now.
[ ] Autonomy is important to me.
[ ] But I love them the same.
[ ] They were born at different times
[ ] My two twins.
[ ] Yes. Hair grease and Perm
[ ] When I have kids.
[ ] What I mean is
[ ] I'll do what I can before I can't any more.
[ ] Larelle
[ ] Larell
[ ] These women.
[ ] Tight America
[ ] I just had a dramatic moment there.
[ ] And not his own flesh.
[ ] Because he was raising me
[ ] That might want to kick my a--
[ ] He had a son
[ ] If you knew him.
[ ] Willie Webster was my Dad
[ ] Lord How can I solve this
[ ] But I earn rice money.
[ ] I need steak money
[ ] Comedy starring Julius McClendon
[ ] This too
[ ] Very Interesting
[ ] I can still make that same guarantee.
[ ] We are more than math.
[ ] Ultimate priority is tithes.
[ ] Now
[ ] All them people who told me it was over
[ ] Its over for you
[ ] LaBrenda
[ ] Strong on your job
[ ] Hearing good
[ ] You trip I sit right? Wrong.
[ ] So that's how it is
[ ] Honor before death.

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