Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Say Hallelujah last thing every time.

When you stop talking, say Halleujah. Say this the first thing when you wake up, and the last thing on your tongue. Always. This is not a magic triick. This is the weord of God. The most ultimate faith comes from saying Hallelujah. this is the highest praise. There are songs about it. But the main song is sung by you, before you go to sleep. When you lay down to rest, say Hallelujah out loud and let that be the last word you say.

I think you will know God more than before with this. I had a dream and woke up to say Hallelujah. Then I said tomyself "LAtino" Of course, this wasn't going to benefit the black man all the way. But Halellujah saved me. Saying Halellujah out loud saved me from LAtino.

Not that there's anything WRONG with Latino. But just like pavarian beer, if yo are not from Pavaria, or wherever that beer comes from, when you drink it, you're not going to appreciate the full flavor. It's just a name to you. You might get a buzz, but not a Pavarian buzz.

You have to be Latino to get the full effect. It's like saying "nigga" and not being black. You don't have to do that. Don't do that. When you don't do that, you'll be better off. Say Halellujah instead. I think that's higher than any other name.

It also shows you have faith in The Lord. Lord Jesus Christ will not thrust Himself in the front of your praise. You may worship a statue and fail. But The Lord Will not Say, "You shoulda worshipped Me."

I walked out of the comedy club knowing a whole new advantage. I cannot be defeated in my own country. What is this? All along, I was thinking wrong. How can I lose? I don't lose, I am never defeated. I have the home court advantage at home in USA. What was I talking about?

I was growing up. There's nothing wrong with growing up. I used to think there was. Why wasn't I a star already, a millionaire at 25? I was influenced by Eddie Murphy, the greats, Seinfeld, even Carlin. I wanted to be like them already out the box. You unwrap the plastic and suddenly be tight.

How is this, when you are 35? I used to have a downer mind. Always thinking down. I think that's tight some times, but most of the time it's bullsh*t. I could go on, but there it is. You can think down. But think up too. Think up more than you are to think down. And when you are thinking down, consider the options you have. When you are thinking down, think tight too. So you'll have balance.

I was at Nikea's house, it was an apartment, like when I grew up near. She was alone, and I was walking in. I always had a secret like to Nikea, she ha d big breasts and was from Lynwood. I thought that was it, but later on. Devon had gotten to her already. So I didn't go all out about the crush. It wasn't a crush at all. It was just really my friend had a big titted girlfriend.

I was in this place, There was a pastel green look. The kitchen, all everything was like the apartment I was staying in, so I think the arrangement was for me. She liked me. I was with some friend, a black man. It was like she was showing me she liked me and I liked it, but I didn't move on it.

Instead, I was like a priest. The friend advanced, and I said to myself something like " If he likes her then there it is." Much like Devon. Devon liked her, so there it was. She had a picture with her breasts out. It was like she wanted me to suck them. But the nipple was so sharp. I could see all the ridges.

I said something about this earlier. I said, if you see the details of a woman's skin, she isn't for you. So if you don't just see a big sausage nipple, food pepperonis, then you are dating, doing, fornicating the wrong woman. The right woman will look, smell and feel like a snack, food, a meal. She will seem right unto you.

So in this dream, that's how it was. She was like sharp nipple, but still pretty. Still pleasant, I mean. I didn't advance on her. The friend even got in the bed with her. I was going to the store to get toilet paper.

I walked outside to a beautiful day. Some old white man was in a house to my right. It was a pleasant neighborhood, wherever I was at. I started to see a dirty looking black man in disheveled clothes walking in the street. The old white man was in his garage. He looked like Devon, but he wasn't. Perhaps he was like the shadow of Devon, because he was with a white beard.

I felt that I was infiltrated but that I didn't do anything bad. I like Nikea, but there's nothing I can do about it now. She had a baby with Devon. I can't raise the baby my best friend had.

I don't think I'm supposed to do all of that, but I think she was just showing me she loved me. That was nice. I still was like the church in the dream. I just let the love pass.

Maybe that's my flaw. I give everybody erlse and get the short end of the stick. I always thought that was wrong, for some people to get the short end. Anyway, I clowned Damon Wayans Jr., but not intentionally. I didn't come after him. He helped me actually. He's a good man. It's like God is helping me to become a comedian.

I felt a surge of confidence last night. "Willie, I won't let you down." I wanted to smoke and drink. But when I passed by his old job, I felt the feeling go away. Didn't want to let him down.

I'm not finna just give up. That WAS my problem. I don't just give out the winning number, and I don't get shit. That's over with now. I know where the job is at. I know, I lived that life. You're reading a blog, and you want all the answers now. This is not a test to cheat on.

Then you will mobilize against me, because I didn't give you what you wanted. You have a job, a car, credit all of that. I have a pear to eat. And you still want more. I don't feel sorry for you any more. You're just giving in to greed, because you don't care. You don't care about my life, just what YOu can get.

That's fine with me. Stay like that. Just say Halellujah before you go to sleep.

I'm not going to let you down, Willie. Mr. Webster, I'm going to make it as a comedian. That's my job from God. I really feel that now. Filling in, getting the money otherwise, well, that's just weeks away. You keep working, and you'll find a way. I know where the job is at. I don't have to tell you. You're just a thief anyway. You'll laugh and say, stupid black, you gave me all the answers. Now you're not going to get nothing! HA! Isn't that funny?

That's the Latino I'm talking about. Good for them, not always good for you.

But Halellujah is good for everyone. Even Latinos. Do that what I'm saying. It's the ultimate sign of faith, and it doensn't cost anything but words.


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