Sunday, December 29, 2019

What would I di without the church?

I am encouraged by God. I think The Lord really put it on me to work online. Why? Because the outer world DOESN"T want me to work. Or even to have anything. I don't know why, but so what. I can't be bothered with that anymore.

It's not an antagonizing on the world. It's not saying the rest of the world sucks. It doesn't suck. Not out here. Out here is tight. Some of it sucks, but not aeveything. I just cannot be complacent with some people having and some people not.

I understand some people are going to do better. Gotta eat better. Some people will ride better. Got a nice car, blasting by better. Some people will do that. But it doesn't mean I can't do that. It doesn't mean I can't punch in. It doesn't mean I get discriminated against. It doesn't mean I have to be different, or tell my values no. I can be me, and do just fine.

I find that online. I am resorting to Lucktastic and surveys. But guess what? They pay. I'd rather have 10 little $10 checks than nothing at all. I'd rather cash out $10 dollars than nothing at all. I'd rather cash out $1.30 than nothing at all. Paypal just recieved. They just sent you $10.26. I have a swelling account.

I like to consider myself more than a martyr. That's not me. I'm not Lord Jesus Christ. I'd blaspheme trying to be like him, like that. I don't want to say I ham him. But, I am LIKE Him. He paved the way for me.

I am like him to the degree, I don't agree with the world all the way. I don't agree some people lose so the others can win. Some people have to be gay, or take a hit for the team or whatever. I believe I too can make it, if I just learn enough skills, pace myself, and work hard.

But what is this hard work? Well, for one thing, it's waking up early. 4am. Getting a routine going. It's mastering your body. It's working online. It's cleaning out your antennae. You have to be like the cricket to that effect. If you work hard every single day, you'll one day have $5000 in your Paypal account. Imagine going to Walmart and cashing out the maximum $300. You go to the electronics section and buy CDs. BYou go on line and buy the components you need for your computer tablet. You keep the same old equipment, making the new old money.

That'd be tight. The greatness continues. you go on stage. You talk onstage about your adventures in life. You don't get dismayed by the other haters there. There really aren't any haters, just undisciplined people. Children who don't yet appreciate life.

I appreciate life. I appreciate waking up, having something to do. I am glad for this phone I'm using. This phone is $1000+. I don't see why I can't make a living off this phone.

Wouldn't it be greate, and tight to wake up in the house I bought from working oon this phone? I made the house come true from working on my phone. From my pocket to the keys jingling in the door. I'm holding and sucking my wife's breasts in our bed, I paid for working on the phone. It's a dream. A fantasy. I'd like to make it a reality. I make it a reality. I work on the phone and get paid.

The next step is managing the money. What is the money going to do? The money has to do something. I remember I had to earn $10 so I could go do a show. I needed $5 to pay them, $4 to get there, and some money besides. I needed $12. So I worked online, I did surveys. I made $4.00 on one alone. I kept doing it, and earned the money. I got the money for the show.

So it is with your money. What is the money to do for you? When you have goals for yoour money, I think it comes faster. So I have goals for my money. I have every dollar mapped out. For ecample, the first $80 is for the phone bill. Then, the rest of the money is $25 for each show, so there are 4 per month, that's $180 there. So $25 each shoe for, and $80 to pay the phone bill.

I need the phone to make the money. So I have to prioritize the bill first. The phone bill causes the other bills to get paid. So it's like a pyramid.

Then, there's food. I have to eat. Each time I go to the store, I spend about $10. It's just me right now. It's sad, but at 34 almost 35, it's just me, and that's how it is. No one believes in me, only The Lord. God believes in me.

This is why I feel He called me to do this. I don't think I could make it on my hown without him. Having no where to lodge, to plug my phone in, to sleep, and even to eat food. I can even warm my food up in the kitchen. See, God DOESn't have to Do those things at all. He could just say toast.

Why do the people want that anyway? Why not want your brother to be good, to have a tight life, like you? To suck on my wife's titties too? What's wrong with that? I don't want to know, but that's how it is.

Lyrical boxing, like the song. You stick and move. Don't get boxed out, take your time with the licks. When  you strke, use precision. Don't take no for an answer. Download 100 if you have to. Break them down. 15 minutes each one, cycle through and watch the dollars come. You're providing value. You are helping them by completing tasks. They need it done to get paid, you're doing it for them. Sure, they may try to sell you that they are saving your butt, but YOU are saving their butt. You are doing the things they need done to get paid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

So the 3 tiers are this:

1 Earning
2 Hybrid
3 - Automation

The earning, 1, is when you get familiar with working online. Wow, what is this?

The second, Hybrid, means you are familiar, getting the hang, and seeing more you can do. You're able to earn momore because you have more experience, but you still want to get to number 3,

which is Automation. You have systems making a living online for you. Imagine 22, 000 posts each getting clicked on. 2000 convert, meaning they sell, the people buy, the people sign up. When you add all that up, it's $14,000. You're done for the week.

Don't forget to imagine, and get exciting feelings from your imagination, and from learning. I remember Bobby. He'd say "Get excited!" Then he'd walk into somebody's house, and try to make a sale. It was about people pimping out kids. There was a man, Patrick. He had the office, the degree, and some money, but we were the ones going out there doing the work. I never forgot when he pulled up in the nice car and we got in.

He was fussing at our lead. Here was this guy with us, trying to make a few dollars, and here's this guy in a fancy car eating off us! He was eating from us, and fussing at us to go make him more! I never forgot that's what I feel like the boss is doing on any job.

But the idea is, don't give up. Don't stop, even if it's hard. It is hard, when you don't know nothing. I am an affiliate now, connced to networks that could earn me money.

Imagine Blue host $65 dollars. Imagine $400, $500, $600, $1000. Imagine earning this, such sent you $4000. You may earn this. I believe you can do it.

I too can earn online.

I can earn all the money I need to earn.One quick notebook look, and then II'll see you all tomorrie.

"Act fast"

"Check me out as I complete the missions, Handle my shit with the highest precision"


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