Thursday, January 16, 2020

A ten hour decision pressing one button.

It's called a timer. Don't front.

I asked myself if it was wrong to chant the lotus sutra in the church. I'm pretty sure it's not. There's no such thing as restriction on speech in service.

Big ass titties. I like them.

I hope Blacc Sam is Ok. Not Black Sambo. We were slaves da. I know you didn't go there. Every person matters, no matter who you are. God Loves You. You are a star to Him.

If you get up in time, you can do a lot. The early bird gets the worm. If you get ups at 5 am, then I'm sure whatever you're trying to get done, you will do. I am glad for this ralph's bag lampshade.

I thing havin the capacity to earn while learning is exciting. Unitl I get back to work at Bon Appetit, I will work here. I am grateful for the power to do so. I am not looking forward to being on trial each day, and let me tell you why Bon Appetit again.

I mean it's a fantasy. To have a job that's a bus away, and I can walk a mile. I get the brisk crisp refreshment of walking each morning, and I get the cold hard cash at thend of the week. What's more rewarding than coming to pick up your check, or taking a break and getting your check right there? I was doing that.

I was also dropping trays. I made mistakes on the job too. I was not the perfect employee. But I had fun learning. I was learning the people, and getting paid. There's nothing more rewarding.

I wish to do that again. This, online working, is working out. I surmounted a test mountain. I got to the top and collected the money. I cashed out with the cat, and I got a bonus surprise from both of my phone apps. The each paid me.

I hope Reverend Brown massaged his wife's clitoris like I suggested he do. I didn't walk up to him of course, but I did hope in a nonverbal way he would listen. If he did, then this year will be good for him.

I think my mother is a good woman who deserves success in her shows. I do shows too. She better not be jealous of my success. It's little, but she feels threatened in some way. I don't know why, seeing I came from her. I don't see why she felt threatened by me, the child she made. Please Lord, tell her to cut it out.

You see in the sky all the stars? There's room for all of us. We are from Earth.

Rod Lamar is a chump. He deleted my two videos the first day I put them up. Then I saw other niggaz holding guitars in their pictures and sh. Sucker. He was funny because I was there. Good father, online chump.

I feel better.

I hope Deacon Tate is not offended by me telling him not to screw Reverend Brown's wife.

I fornicated and got into an accident on the freeway. There are no coincidence s. Everything matters. Even thoughts have weight.

I think all those people around Brenda taught her I was a loser so they could get more sucking done. They borrow from me every Sunday and every other day. All these Suckers Lord, because of You.

And how ungrateful. You spend hours a year cackling about the misfortune of others, but cannot yourself take a comment. Let alone a joke. I'm not coming after anyone in my own article. I'm just saying stop being gay. Buttrape is wrong. Let me just put it out there.

And if you tried it one time, and put it aside, don't promote it. Stop telling people you are promoting them and then delete their posts. You didnt specify how to delicer the introductions. You reacted to my greatness. Is all.

I am great. Thw Lord Made me great. Its His Doing, not fault. Only men create faults. The Lord Creates Life. Anyone against me is gay, is all I'm saying.

And the Russian better not try to minimize me again. He didn't do my rape lie i paid for. Then he didn't even apologize for it. What a loser. I asked him to comp me a dinner. Also, let me record on my own device. I dont understand what the power struggle is. Do you want mw to blow up or not? We got Black Satan's coming out to see me. Let's go. Let's get it started Russian. Daa.

Vladimir Putin got offended because I wrote 2020. What kind of sh. What are you planning. I love you man. I love the whole earth.

Yadira and Mr. Carillo better keep sriving along. I know they don't think thwy control the streets. Hold it down, Largossi or not. Relax. I love you too. I love the whole earth. Wgat a pretty name, Yadira. That's why she has two kids.

Peace to Mayra. How gay to say, "peace". I love your little ass. But you vant chirp on my dick. She's the only little Latina surprise that doesn't chirp. She's so down and I love her. I get a good feeling when I realize. But I have to listen to Nana. She said marry black. So we love from afar. Those petty lips get to suck anither dick.

Brenda was at hwr house when Rayvon showed up. This nigga sat in the xouch like Cosby show. She sat next to him like The Wife. I got the f*ck out of there. Why I still love this woman, well there are reasons. One is I was at her house.

I was living luke a kid. I didnt work. I was sitting aroynd trying to work online. With no internet. I don't know how I thought we were in love.

She stood next to me in her kitchen and put her right hand way up. It's like she wanted affection, love. But didn't. She was conflicted then. Thats why. She was helping a friend.

Lanicia kicked me out. She blew up over a tortilla. She said some grease touched her foot. Eli came and gave me a ride out of there. Thanks Eli.

That man is an angel for real. Will I make love to my wife? Will I suck the big tits? Will we have children? Will I live in Lynwood? These questions and more, next on Life: One day at a time. Starring Lord Jesus Christ. Featuring Julius.

I have to make $120 dollars by Monday. That's 5 days, so that's like $25 dollars a day. This is the ultimate test. This is the examen. Exam in Spanish.

English is Dad's tongue.

Spanish is Mom's tongue.

In this land, we speak paternal, Dad's tongue more. But the spanish comes out, Amen. It's no secret. And it's not wrong. We can look at the history books, but we find that in 2020, the history is continuing to be written.

For the diligent, there is a postmark. There is some angel writing all the things you do. I think also their comments on your life are blessings. When you do good, they listen. They talkabout you to other angels. And this in turn is a blessing for you.

Lord Jesus Christ is not second here. First You Are Always, Lord. I apologize for my chanting. I enjoy it. I also enjoy smmoking weed. I have to wait a whole year to smoke weed againi.

I ate some of the weed out the cartridge. Man, that's some sour sh. I can't believe the puffing and the tasting are not the same experience.

In all labor there is profit.


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