Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Get stuck like a truck

Who are you? Are you tired of winning? Did you have dinner last night? Whose really tight? Lord Jesus Christ!

Now that winter is near, let's have some cheer. How close are you to beer? Do you not see clear? Think on your performance. I thonk it is a bonus. I rode aside bogus. No need then to notice. I was not funny here. I did not have a beer. Idid not see it clear. The bus ride was sheer. Interesting. I ling for ping. But things did zing. I ching a jingle. My money can mingle. I dont have a single. Or a dongle. I still have my tonsils.

There is no magic pill. Hallellujah and will. Two l's for real. I am so for real. No need to kneel. Neal is real. Buford is big. There's a lot on your mind.

It ought to tell you something about your canvas. If you have  a reason to hold the knowledge, you will. If you do not have a reason, you will not. There is no effort without merit, but the better the intention, the more positiove the effort, asnd therefore the bettere the merit.

Great merit means great effort and great effects. There is no reason to move quickly without awareness. If you know what you are doing, then you can move fast. When you do not know what you are doing, then you move slow. This is the law I set for myself.

This is something Snoop said in an interview one time. He was coaching little league football and said this. I remembered what he said.

My mother looked nice on the performace last night. I was proud of her. She seemed to have issues with maybe her weight, but she needs to be grateful for life. I don't think your size is going to matter where you are going.

As stars in the sky, so is earth. The stars float, so do we, on this planet. So must the spirit of man float also. You may tend to gravity, falling down to the earth many times. Arising up, you have an effort attached to a goal. This is how things get done quickly, and with spirit.

When you have a goal, you animate more than just your body. You animate your spirit also. You get yourself fully involved. Don't you want to achieve your goals this year?

This is the greatest year of mankind. This is because all knowledge is available. Anything you want to know, it is there to know. There is not enough time to know it all. The trip is, your mind is connected to all knowledge. The firmness of the connection is had by the eforts in that direction.

For example, if you want to know how to earn a living online, think of the things you must learn:

Be able to sell your product,

Have a product to sell (I Take Brenda if I can)

Promote your product if you need to, or have a product so good you don't need to promote, it produces gravity of itself,

and be persistent.

My diligence is unmatched. I can do things over and over again thousands of times. I am eternal. I am grateful. I amm able. I have merit. No action of mine is free, all costs some money. A thought of mine is worth money. A word of mine is worth money. Every moniute I am alive has worth which appreciates. I am eternally grateful to God. I love The Lord. I believe in The Lord Jesus Christ.

These are attributes which form the basif your character. You form your character based on rank. Do you know you rank your thoughts? The thoughts with the highest rank go in the front. You are thinking about catching the bus to work. You rank work high. So the thoughts remain in front.

There is a direct connection between experience and merit. You may believe on the inside you do not have merit. So on the outside, your experience reflects that. You don't believe until you achieve.However, you don't achieve until you believe.

Which is it going to be? Are you going to believe you can fly, and then fly, take off, soar? Or will you fly first, somehow, with wings, with a plane, and then say you can fly? There is a choice for you to make.

What are your goals for 2020, the best year of mankind?

I for one own a home. I live in the City of Lynwood, California. I live off of LaSage and whatever the street is near, by the supermarket. I get along with my neighbors, I walk to the park every moring. I meditate near the library. This is by December 25th, 2020. This is the best Christmas I've ever had. Last Christmas was the worst.

It was bad because I was fizzling out. My mother is on her career, and wants to control her child somehow too. Perhaps she feels that if she can control you, she can control her career. She cannot control you. She can only guide you. She is not your adversary.

She simply wants to have a successful career. If she can get you to help her somehow, say be a host of energy, like a refridgerator, then she can predict your movements. Then, she can plan accordingly. She knows you will not smoke, will not drink, will not masterbate much, But she can then do all the things she wants to do. She can predict your behavior.

So what are your goals for 2020, the best year of mankind?

I earn $1 million dollars by July 26th, 20020. My birthday is the best birthday I've ever had. Because I perform the tasks to get me paid daily online. I set up shops which net me about $30,000 a month.

I get my start selling affiliate products. I sell other people's goods by hosting videos. The videos are selling the prodcuts. I put a few introductory words,, and then have one video explaining the product.

The videos are high quality. They are entertaining also.

Each video, after you watch it, will teach you something. I put up quality videos each day, and the best quality videos I host on blog.

When the video is nearing end, I encourage the reader and viewer to continue reading. Then they get to the bottom of the page, where there is one more video, and a call to action.

The final video is usually a call to action and a congratulation for making it this far down the page. Your reward is clicking the call to action.

Once you click the link, you are taken to the page where you buy the product.

These pages are generated with care.

I then place links to these pages on other videos. I then share each video carefully, taking time to visit each site and share my efforts.

The greater the quality of effort, the more inclined you are to take more quality action. With time, the procedure is simpler.

Wuth the profits I earn from online sales, I purchase mining rigs. The equipment is first set up in my garage. I turn my garage into a have mining comapany. When I start to generate at least $1000 every month, I then sell the arrangement. The pdf can tell you how to set up the rigs, and I sell the pdf online for $4. You still have to get all the equipment. But, you have the information now. You may set one up quickly.

Later, after 6 months, I start introducing my neighbors to this. I ask them if they want to earn another $1000 each month, but they have to buy equipment. The gear they get will cost $5000. But for the rest of the time, they earn $1000 or more each month. Their bill will go up about $100 also. This is an investment, but not like a playstation. This is like buying a car that appreciates over time.

I value these experiences and interactions with my neighbors because now, I am a business man. Sister Ada told me I could "never run any business." So I knew then that's what I had to do.

I start to get calls from people wanting tolearn how to set up rigs. I refer each call to the website, which I text to them using my slate. (phone)

I get more sales from people interested in learning about the rigs. When then I watch Lethal Weapon, I see the man witht name riggs. I like that, and use the man's image on my website, clowning.

It's real Lynwood love on my business. I come up with "Stripes Mine" December 5th, 2020, at 8pm. I get my first sale for a house rig that night. I install the rig first thing the following morning, in a neighbors garage. He tells me if this works, he will refer one more person. This is how Stripes Mine works.

After each rig is installed, Stripes collects a check or payment of $5000. Then, for a month after the installation, you may ask for help to manage the installation. This is where the business comes in. I simply arrange the installation, and employees of mine (YEs I have 3) go out and do the installation for me. I give them a cut of at least $400 each time. This is because I have to make sure I get paid.

The people I hire are not working for minum wage. They work for 14.50 an hour. I tell them where to go, and they come to pick up the rig gear. The rig gear had to be carried in a truck, because I need to make sure it is packed a certain way. The trucks I buy are old vans, and I get a paint crew to nice them up for me.

The vans are different kinds, whatever I can afford, or what is available. The Stripes Mine colors are blue and gold.

I sell Stripes Mine later in 2021 for $1billion dollars. I start to get house calls from around the globe.

I cannot do all this work and stay Lynwood down. So I have to sell the company. I bank the billion dollars and live off the interest.


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