Friday, January 10, 2020

Hush your mouth on that!

I said this to a fine black woman, no, a military ass black man. I'm sorry to say it like that Lord, but the man was Black and acting like a butt. Those two don't go together. That's like fish and cereal, what are you doing that for?

I was in some room, and I said something to the woman earlier. I don't think it was much, maybe hi. When I commented on her beauty, she was fine, she had big titties, and was wearing black, like lingerie. I said "you are so beautiful" and she got mad. I got mad back. Something like "hold on I wasn't trying to mack you" Then another Black man stood up in the crowd, we were ina room of people, like a ballroom.

The black man said something and I said "hush your mouth on that!" Then I woke up. That's a phrase I will use throughout life. That may be my catchphrase, like "LEt's go". Let's go is like "They're great" from tony the tiger. The cereal chara - alright.

Another segment had my mother and I ina warzone like timesplitters 2. I was in a high tower with her. We were not being shot at. But to our right, there were droves of people getting mowed down. Pretty hard. There was a figure ina master chief like suit just blasting. Whoever they were, they were like a statue, just pumping the crowd. I was like "Are we in danger" to myself. My mother locked the locks. "You just want to go outside" I said, thinking we would be seen and get shot. No, were safe. Before, I saw in the distance a white man with green shorts on.

The white man seemed to be under arrest. As he was getting arrested, I said in my mind for him to surrender. "So you don't get killed" I remember thinking. The nex thing I know, this guy is no longer the victim, but all the aggressors, the people to arrest him, were mowed down. It was day time. I was like wow.

Finally, there was some sequence where we were sitting outside during the day, me and someone else, at a parking meter. Just hanging out. I had the feeling we didn't know what we were going to do with our lives, still. Then there was some girl, I think a latina, she was supposed to hang out with us. She didn't. Instead, she walked to some phone booth behind us. I then walked over there into some small burger shack.

I heard people ordering food, but was unsure of where it was being cooked. I saw there some asian women, like on the brisk between Asian and indian, some indigenous people. Two women. Apparently, they had been arguing with someone, on the other end of the burger order and were clowning the situation. "Bye" I heard one say to the other. It's like they were getting off work. Suddenly, one of Abraham's customers appears. He sold me some shoes one time. The shoes were the best fitting shoes I had ever worn. But they only lasted like a week. Then they fell apart. The sole as fine, but the shoes just tore all up. I wanted another pair, but they were not cheap. He was to the right of me.

I didn't order a burger because they looked kind of wierd. There was even a bathroom that I did not walk into. I saw a woman's face like "Nuh uh. Don't walk in there." So I didn't. I listened.

I have a feeling Brenda is jealous. But of what? Is it really real she loves me and is keeping up with me? Or am I just tripping, and it's the Mexicans helping me cope? Which one is it Lord? May I have an answer? Do I need one?

I need this money. I have 118 on the giftloop. I need 300 for $15. The other SJ is 533. I need 1000 for $10. How pathetic. Yet, that's the money I need to earn. I think $25 is a good hit, but today is it going? I need the money by Saturday because I have to cash out again. I have food, but I need the money still. If I cash out, then I can also pay for the Video next week. I need to film each time I go, because otherwise it's gay. It's a waste of time.

I call it gay because why else would I go 20 miles for 5 minutes. That sounds like a homosode to me doesn't it?

Alex Paris, I used to go visit him. I used to spend time at his house, and even walk there from where I was staying. I remember then, I used to do that. Ifind his apartment and go visit him. I didn't go there to be gay. But I love him. If he was a woman, we would have hooked up.

But that's about as gay as it got for me. Just visiting. Not going 20 miles either. So I can't do that anymore.

Each time, I go like I'm a well paid, well known comedian. Going to help the people one more time. and I want it filmed. Will the Mexican and the Russian actually do their job? Like I need to do mine right now?

Lord please let me make this money today. I'm sure tired of being broke or close to it every week. This is week two and my cash out is still below $100. Will people buy my albums? Are they that bad?


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