Friday, January 3, 2020

I am not against you.

But I hate some things. Don't waste time. This is what The Lord Revealed.

Don't waste time. Don't waste your life. Don't hold onto files. You may put files you really care about somewhere near. Place them in a bottle, and let them colleect.

I respect all life. I was flying this time. I seemed to be learning to fly. It is a wonderful thing, not strange. In this world, we are simply cleaning. I simply clean. I am the eternal janitor here. Earth is a clean place.

There are those who wish, and those who know. Those who take, and those who create what is taken. Like the eternal tree, there is fruit to be born from the branches. I am such a tree, but I had no idea. I'm like the willow wisp, ab bits of the redwood. Perhaps rather Evergreen. I have said this.

I am flying in the clear sky, which turns into a parking lot. The women and some people in the lot are trying to keep me from flying. I slow down.

I see the people have placed us on surveillance because they could not be growing without us. They need us to progress and advance. I am addicted to brogress. I see we need to keep growing the chapter of man. If we fall or stumble, the lesser greet us. They help us back on our feet. I am grateful for this.

It is because of this training, this help I am here now. You have the power to help all. Use it now. Do not waste time. Your finest year is now here. Take advantage of the power you possess. No man can take it from you. Because no man created it.

The people were sitting in a lawn, and I flew. I was also playing video games in my drawls. A few Mexicans rushed a door to my right. It was a nice house, calm with love. There was a dimness to it, and there was a tv screen and kind of a dirty room where I was at. I flew there, I think. I do remember flying over a tree, which was healthy green. I see this is the kale.

I need to eat more earth to know what is next. No man can fathom earth, but subdue it. You may have a growing with height. You don't want to give people thier undue. What they earned is what they learn, Amen? Don't give away YOUR tight. Let them create their own.

Forever fighting, is the way to go. Always fight for what is right. Resist what is not right, and it will flee from you. Being clean cannot be worse than being dirty. I saw a white breast this morning to suck. It was as if she was introduced to me, by Jay Z. I thought it was Beyonce. No, it was some White woman.

But, I think this was a response to yesterday. I sucked a Black breast then. It wasn't Brenda, I think it was Angela. But she was trying to tell me something, a message.

I'd like to bridge the gap between there and here. It was so beautiful there. I was learning to fly. I am learning to fly. There is nothing unreal, so there is here, in some way. I can fly here too. It is among the people that you learn to be dim.

Lord. I am like Julius McClendon.

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