I'm pretty sure you've been wrong, walking down the boulevard as a fourth grader in 1994.
I remember kissing Michael on the head as a child. The Lord Has Been With Me since birth.
I used to play with bricks alone while the other kids were on the other side of the room. I still remember the green brick. I teachers used to pad my ducktale in the back of my head.
And I cannot give this up. Not my hair all the way, and not my life. I have earned this. And I think I'm going to earn 1228 every month. Or more.
I have 3 of the 4 I need to do this. I have one which pays 1, another 1.30, another $25, and the last one I need $10. Put them all together and its $51.
I said some time ago last year that I would make $50 a day here. The time is now. It's almost here for real. I just need one of each every single day. I will take sunday off. The Sabbath, Saturday, is the day I will slow down and relax. It's like fun and work also.
I had the bommest job, but I got pushed out by the Mexicans. Or might I say, Latinos.
I was wrong about my mother. What else am I wrong about. I'm sorry for tripping on you Moma. I thought you were trying to get back at me, cutting off my account and having me in the dark. But I realized you were not. You were just having some other issues. I even got food from you.
I paid my mother $40 today. It's small, but it feels good. I appreciate being able to pay her something.
PEople are acting like I'm gay or something. I think it's the album I put up. I took it down. Was it the track "Hard cocks"? Probably so. I think a name like that will raise a few questions. I have slivers of paper, they're like gold. If I use them sparingly, I ought to have enough for a week. I have a few left, so I'll use them up.
I think the paper was a throw away from another time. From a time before now. I think the African-Americans I know are really showing their help now. The love they have is astonishing. They have certainly earned my business.
I have a good insurance. I'm telling you, Abraham ought to go into underground insurance. All the big niggaz of their areas go into serving your people. You will not be disappointed.
Stop racing other groups who know little about you. Don't blame them for not knowing or caring about you. Start helping your own. You have time now while you yet live.
Don't be surprized that people come out the woodwork to stop you. They do that. I found this out. But love them. Don't make a stink about it. Just be helpful. Honor over everything. Honor above everything. That's the Lynwood way.
I love my city. I want to suck the big tits of my wife and get married, in reverse order. I do it right. Get married, have kids. This is the classic. I need to have this. I am growing weary. Where is my wife? Who is she? Is Brenda my wife? Or has her word made sure?
I think Flemisha is nice, with Joshua now. I think those two ought to marry. He needs to keep his hands off her. She's so good, so tender and juicy, but she's not to be meddled with. She's really delicate, a delicacy. I'm talking like this and will stop.
Brenda, I wish I could make up to her all the bad things I done did. Every bad word, witchcraft, you're not strong enough, I thought you were stronger, you're not a Christian, all those hits da. I wish I could just take it back, take her to the beach, put a beach towel down and make love in the sand. We wouldn't do that sh, but we'd lay there and make out. Then hop in the car and go home for real.
I wish I could make it all up to her. Make up. That's all we do. No more break up.
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