Monday, January 13, 2020

Take credit for who you are or someone else will.

You have to. I saw Will Smith on the interview. You know the New York Slaughterhouse in the morning.

But does it make sense to stay negative? No. It's just gravity. The first layer of triumph is over gravity. The Lord actually flew away. He conquered all gravity at all. He Conquered physics.

You were born in LA. In Lynwood. You lived in Compton. Worked at Fox. Worked on Wilshire with Jewish people. Worked in East LA. Worked in Vernon. You clowned Damon Wayans Jr unitentionally now. I didn't set out to clown the brother. He was helping me. Let's not forget you read from a paper that night. I respect Damon Wayans Jr. for even coming to see my act. Thank You Lord.

Lord, I'll say, I have to work on my physics. Being more positive these days than negative. I used to walk around and carry a frown in my pocket. Just in case I had to use it. I got this mmmm for you. If you need it. I will frown on cue. Ready, MMM.

I give it up now. The Lord, You Reign. YpYou are the Ultimate. I have 14% battery life. But before, it was 7%. I think I ought to give it up.

But still, you don't forget where you came from. You know where you been, but you don't know where you're going. Be careful how you treat folks. Nana used to say this. She was right. She is right. It's not like she's going anywhere. The wisdom is eternal.

I see people now coming off me. I remember when I was virtually metaphorically 
imprisoned. Some 48 hours ago. I had a dogpile of people on me. I don't know why I put up with it for so long. It's because I thought that was the only way, but that was the bottom floor. The ground level. There's no reason to stay on the ground level, but always remember, you will revisit the ground. So came you from it, and to it shall ye return.

But alas, you are not without merit. You have concluded your tenure with poverty. Now, you must experience elegance. You must now experience wealth. I know you had a good time being poor. I know you had many nights of happiness being broke. Because it was comfortable. No guarantees. No responsibility. You were able to say "I ain't got no money" good. SA lot of times. People depended on you to be broke.

You ever been broke so long, people depend on you to be broke? I got $20, but at least I know Julius ain't got no money. I remember being complacent with that. Why don't you go get a job? Because I did. I went and got a job. And I got fired for talking. Isn't one of the job skills communication? What kind of job is this? This is pre automation here. They are priming us for robots.

I went to another job. I got fired for no reason. Because the leaders were gay. They told me 3 and then changed it to 5. That's gay. You know we get out at 3. I have somewhere to go. You don't care? Why? Because you're a fag, that's why. You don't care about other people's time. That's all we have is time. When the time is gone, so are we. Why don't you care?

I recently summited an obstacle. Jasmine is Dupree, always remember that. It was Dupree. It was another man, not me. I didn't do it. God Didn't CAll me to be who I am. He didn't make me Julius, no. He gave Dupree all the power. Dupree worked with Jews, and worked at Fox. Dupree was the one, not me. And there is nothing after that.

I like to think I am chosen to represent a group of people. How is this, when I am an only child? Where are the people I'm supposed to represent?

I try to pretend I like my younger brothers. Like they were born from my mother too. Or that they actually care about me. They don't they care about my Dad. I love them, but if we don't talk, that's ok to them. To my Dad too. I call him once every couple of weeks, and check in with him for an hour. That's good, and it's a grilling deserve. It's like, here's this progress report. Can you handle it?

I have to go get another charger. The chharger I was using is negative. How is that? It eats up the cords. I used this charger and the charger cord is fried now. Both of them. Is there a coincidence? I think not. I think the cord itself was cheap, and the the charger port was cheap, and so there you have it. A bunch of bullsh.

I now have to go and get another charger cord from the dollar tree, since I don't have much money. I also lost my SJ for whatever reason. Probably because I was slogging through the survveys. I made $300 from them. I'm grateful. 

I hope to make the money today to be able to go. I need $35. Each time, I record the match, and put it up. I used to go for just $12. But that meant no memory. No recording no bueno.

I need the recording to be on there to keep. I hold dear the fact people want to control my life. It's like a slave under seige coming out for the first time. I don't have the restraint like before. All this butt attack is just gay. And that woman deserved a thought kick in her butt. After years of putting up with her sh, she got what she deserved. Deal with it.

I'm not sorry about that. I'm sorry she was a punk after all in the end. I'm sorry she didn't say "Well, I have been a butt for a while". I'm sorry she concluded I was wrong, suprisingly to no one.

I dreamt of David, Muhammed of all people, a house, an AK, and a grassy area with my mother. The Herd. She was among the people, to be a follower. I saw a Black young man smoking a blunt walking right, with a White young woman in tow. In other words, they were together walking, not that he carried her. They were walking on grass, my mother was there. It was daylight day time. The sun was out, I don't remember if I directly saw it or not.

But Muhammed was helpful there. It was like the people were trying to hold me down and are now being lifted up. They themselves are being healed. They were lied to. Someone told them to be negative to survive. And so they did.

I remember talking to a parent in front of the principal as a kid. The principal even visited my class. She held me in her arms and said "never start a sentence with because" I remember that. She was wearing purple. She was a White woman with blond hair cut short, like a Pharoah.

I ripped some kid's shirt right open like Randy Savage. I didn't mean to, but I grabbed his shirt and just ripped. I'm sorry now. But then, I was scared of thea ass whopping I was going to get.

But I talked to the kid's Mother right there. I explained to her I didn't mean to rip his shirt. She said it was ok. I was like a grown man there, in 5th grade. The principal said I wasn't even going to get detention.

I am different, man. So why live like I'm not. I had to wake up and realize I am different on this Earth. God Made me Different, greater. HE made me greater than my challenges. He made me great from birth.

Fortified Zone, I remember playing that Gameboy game. I borrowed it from Devon, I think. Not Korean Devon, White Devon. Devon let me borrow Captain Skyhawk, Double Dragon 2, Smash TV. I remember playing all those games in the living room, in Bellflower. I was a good kid, sometimes. But during that time, I stayed in trouble.

I was on punishment alot. Now I realize some of it was for my safety. My mother was keeping me hostage for her own sake. She was lonely. She was protective. and she kept me in trouble to keep an eye on me.

Christine Devine was on TV. She was on the news. I watched how fine she was then. I couldn't even realize. I was so grateful to be in LA, Bellflower.

I'm sorry to the neighbor for lying. I can say thankful, faggots. Don't be a fag. Fags are not necessary gay. Fags are punks who won't stop. Wierdos, jerks. Nincompoops. Don't be one of those.

I have had a good life.

Reverend Brown said thank you to me closing the gate at almost 11pm last night. I was mad at first, but then I realized, am I here to help or what?

I am here to help. Why be angry if that's your little job? My family doesn't respect me not making any money. But that's my fault. I can start making money now. The phone needs a charger, and the store I think opens in another 30 minutes.

I'll say I was upset because it was another game and trick. Why do this, and you just got out the hospital man? McTights is telling you right.


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