I had to think about this. There is a gentleman, Mr. Matera, who I would be under if I worked there. If I worked there. I don't have the idea of how I could work there, perhaps it was planted there by the management. I mean they are Russian. Do Russians like Blacks? I'm sure. Because Blacks respect.
How frequent is a laugh? One to four minutes? A few seconds? An hour? 209 seconds. About 19 seconds. I need a laugh every 19 seconds. So that's 'bout 3 laughs per minute. That's basically math righteous.
If I get to the level, then I'm in. Any where. I mean on the stage. I'm not going anywhere. Else. I have the one stage, and I film that stage. Each year, I get better. The films get tighter. Then I sell the films online. I set up an affilate program. Men's comedy is going higher this year. Get your stock. Better.
I don't have a reason to suffer. Any longer, no suffering. No struggling. That's for bullsh ers. That's for people who don't have their own. That's for suckers is what I'm saying. Let the suckers suck hard until it feels like you need to stop sucking. Start earning your power, your way, your might, your place, your priviledge. It's not as hard as you may think it is.
The hardest thing about being tight, real or right, is that you ahve to keep doint it. Keep it up. The consistency. You may start a task, but keep a task going until it is no longer a task. Easy but hard to keep up.
If you get this going well, then you have a balance. The people who invest in your failure will kiss your feet.
So i have to figure out how to sign up for Rakuten. I will start selling Manscaping 2.0s. I will have a commercial on a web page that I share online. I'll promote the page softly, going from site to site, like Reddit and quora, answering questions tight and putting the link.
I have to see if Rakuten costs money. I'd like to tell my Dad that yes, I signed up for Rakuten and will be selling the Manscaped 2.0s soon, if not now already. I think it costs money, and will have to check on that soon after I finish making this brutal $15.
I can assuredly tell you I do not all the way enjoy working online. I enjoy the freedom to start and end when I want. What I don't enjoy is the payout. Or the discipline I lack.
Both of those, with education, will improve.
I will pass $50 daily if I pace and meditate before I start working. If I do things like just jump up and start working, I'm defeating the point of working online. It's like a seamless rhythm. You get going and stay going until the time is up. If you work for 16 hours, put 16 on the timer. Don't put ten and then hit ten again and sleep through tthe time up.
If you do it this way, you will be pleased. I remember seeing a fat ass walking. Two of them. One of them was couch ass, and the other was little latina booty. Of course, neither of these are for me, but nice to behold, like flower.
I saw a young black girl at Walmart. She liked me. I could tell right away. She was like, if you want, I'll date you, marry you, whatever. I'm yours, if you just ask. A fatter cow like woman was at the service desk. She had big tits, but you could tell she sat around and ate all day. Grazing, like cows do.
This fat one dropped her keys. I reached down to pick them up. She reminded me of Brenda. As a matter of fact, she almost resembled Brenda, accept my babycakes is not that big. She's big, but not enormous and unhealty. The other one looked like if you shoved a dick in her face she'd it that too, like a cheeto.
But no. The Black girl was very nice, and a Latino was trying to get her. I don't like that. You can't see me working beside you, but you want my woman. No. You can't have her. She's mine. Black woman is mine.
Latinos get latinas. Bridgette B. That's what you get. Appreciate. There' nothing else to get for you. You don't appreicate anything else. I'd be furious to see again what I saw at the Lucilles.
A Black woman with a Latino man, and he was young. One of the ones to run you out of a job. And he;s with a Black woman. How pathetic. How could she? She was trying to keep her job.
You'd give your life for a paycheck, that with a few more hours of education, of knowledge, you could make yourself? No, not for me. I'll make a way. You keep my slate on, I'll figure it out.
But the inner discipline is the way. The pople trying to get you, gank, all this, no.
I remember also a woman on a blue bike with red hair. What kind of fred flinstone mess is that? I know someone had to really wake up and ask what life is about to make that decision.
I saw this woman had on army pants too. Iike Brenda had. She was doing what she had to do. She was a follower. Why didn't she follow my semen?
I don't know what's next to do. I have to pray, and keep working. One day, I'll clear $10,000 in affiliate income. You'll see. Until then, I'll deal with jealous co earthlings and inner conflict until. I succeed.
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