Friday, May 22, 2020

A little bit is still too much.

God Forbid, Lord Forbid, if the flames of hellfire touch thee a little bit, will they not burn?

The premise of a little rudeness, a little meanness, a little tenseness, a little bit of wrong, oh, that's nothing to cry over, why trip about that, this sort of thing, you realize a little adds up.

2 pennies will be a dollar with 98 more pennies. That's 49 more sets of 2 pennies.

1 dollar with 98 more will be one hundred.

So it goes. Happy congrats to my little brother, who is now a high school graduate. He's now getting ready for college. Getting these boys ready for manhood is all it's about.

I don't believe in doing things wrong a little bit. It's not that you are wrong, madam. It's that your intention is not too good for me. Your intention is a little bit biased against me.

I don't think you really mean it all the way like that, but you have to realize I have feelings too. When you are doing things to make it known you are here, or that you are asserting yourself, you have to know that each encounter matters more than you know. You cannot control the encounter with another person.

They speak of deep seated hatred. I don't hate you. I love you. I forgive you. But I do not forget the days before, when you didn't know me all that well, and how you came at me.

One day, in the pulpit, this woman motioned her hand as if she was hitting me with a hammer a stick, something. She was hitting me and I felt it. I'm not saying she hit me for real. I'm saying I felt the intention to challenge me. I don't think she knew I was born near, or that nothing else I've done. I just know she seemed to challenge me in the pulpit. I didn't like that, and I haven't been the same since.

Something was done. I caught the holy ghost and she came near. The next thing I know, I was like mute. I stoppede jumping around, just stopped altogether. It's like someone stole my joy.

I'm not saying it was them, or her, This Minister Brown. I'm saying that's how I felt. Ever since then, it's like I've had a cap on my life. Someone keeps trying to screw the cap on my life.

I don't know what happened there, but I'm not even saying it's them. I'm saying it's an issue. 

I don't know why people seem to bother me. They don't really bother me, but they do things that are wrong. Bothering other people is wrong. If you don't like to be bothered, then why would you bother someone? 

You say a little bit. I'm just playing. But like I said, a little bit can end up a lot later. If you keep doing it. I'm not even saying playing is bad. I'm saying playing is good when you know what your doing and who you're doing it to. 

If you don't really know, then assert yourself right. Only assert the correct. If you know this is correct, then you forthright it. Tell me when you know it's right. Not a second before. 

If you're not sure, or you just want your way, be sure to keep that in mind before you tell someone else about what to do. 

Nebo and Josiah had this issue. Nebo was at battle, and Josiah thought now is the time. I will get, end Nebo now. The Lord Favored Nebo at the time, like Samson. Josiah was just doing what he wanted to do. Nebo warned Josiah not to strike, for it could cost. He knew The Lord Was With him. Josiah couldn't resist, and came forthright on his fault of pride. He lost his life. 

So keep your life. When you know something is right, then you push forward. Until you know it is right, keep it low. Don't be pushy, or don't talk to my butt. Don't try to prick me in the benhind to get my attention. I'm not a soldier, you are not the commander. I do not answer to you. I don't know where you came from or why you are here. I just know you are here, and we are dealing with it. 

Also, always remember who brought you in. When the people turn the lights on, for you to see in the dark, then you respect those people. You might get tired of having to be humbled by this fact, but if you don't like it, leave. Go to where they exalt you and you are high standing. Go where you are the king there. Here, you are a servant of The Lord. That's the highest calling in life. Yet, you must humble yourself, because you do not pay the bills here. 

Don't over step the people who brought you in. I'll stay out of it, but this means not calling me out of tone. When you talk to me, talk to me like someone you respect. After all I've done to help you, you needn't find it hard. 

When you call me like a little kid, or a dog, or a horse, or with a problem on your tongue, I get mad. There's no reason to be like that. Who are you doing that? What makes you feel you could? What have you ever done for anyone where you feel you can do that and it's ok? You have to talk to other adults like other adults. 

You may see me all the time. You may see me in slippers, a nightgown. Naked, whatever. But I'm still ANOTHER adult. I have a mother and father. I am another life you did not make. Therefore, watch your tone, and talk to me right. Don't let me have to tell you again. I apologize for MY tone. I need to respect that you are somebody's Mother too. I love you still.


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