Sunday, May 10, 2020

I am so very grateful.

To the government, to everyone. I know it might sound crazy. Out of nowhere congratulating. Yet, I shall do this because I care and I love you. I wish I had more money to give, but I am grateful nonetheless to have what I do have.
I spend money like water, but a few drips at a time. She wants a man who will spend. I do spend, because pennies work.

Don't be afraid to spend those dimes. When you need a soda, where can you go and buy one? How many dimes is that? You know it cost 12 dimes for a soda. That's terrible. However, the soda is cold.

Now, etiquette and jokes go together in the movies, man. Talk right on the paper.

I love all people. However, after LaTasha, I don't feel the same. I feel like we need to stick together, not against the others, but as leaders of them all. We made this, this Earth is still ours first. We have a responsibility to settle things right. It doesn't make sense to have half done carpet. Don't have the front room nice and the back room sad. Do both rooms right, even if it will talk longer.

These roaches be making a guest appearance. They show up like bam. I'm back, here for the first time but I knoe you seen me before. Now about that movie you were watching...

LaTasha made me see that people don't deel the same or have the same threshold as others. I don't know too much about how high or low, I just know we have the highest one. We were slaves, and did most of the work on the earth for a while before. I will also say I am proud of how varied our life is now, because of all the hard work.

We still as species have a lot of work to do. We need to realize this is a worldwide thing here, this thing called life. Your life and my life is connected together. We didn't just fall from the sky. You came after I came, spread out, and lived there for centuries.

Who you are now is a fragment of who we once were. We still are, inside. Howver, we didn't learn all of this until we sought for ourselves. The few who have, at one time, faced conflict, racism and prejudice for who they were to learn. I'm not saying you don't have a right to oppose, but it's stupid. It's like telling a cat, "you're a dog, don't you see that?" The cat is like, "meow." Dogs bark, not meow.

So it's the same but more human than cat. What I'm saying is, Korean is black stretched out, ok? Korean is like if you take black people out to the jungle and leave them there for a long time, and they travel to a windy mountain and stay there, traveling to the jungle from time to time.

I have a bitter taste toward Koreans a tad because of LaTasha. I love Koreans, but that left a bitter taste. No one would have been shot had LaTasha been Korean. No one would have been killed. No one would have died. However, since the girl didn't look like you, she was killed. Since the girl was Black, you shot her. The same Koreans exist today.

I cannot imagine having the inner fear that some other person is so intimidating, I must be willing to shoot and kill them. I used to work with all sorts, and never wanted to shoot them. I would get mad, but not want to hurt them. I didn't want to get hurt, and that's somebody's child.

I observe life is hard without knowledge. I have the knowledge to earn money online. I can earn money online man, and I'm extatic.  However, can you imagine being stuck on $25 for 3 days? Will you ever cash out?

Koreans are forgiven. They have to deal with God. I didn't do it. They did. The lady did. All the prejudice since the girl is worth a great spit. I say this because how dare you assert yourself after such a selfish act. Are you dogs? Will you be vermin? All Koreans are connected. So it's not like they don't know what the other is doing. We can learn from this, but the flaunt of a Korean is not tolerated by me. I love you, but not more than LaTasha.  She'd be here if she were Korean.

I also surmise the Mexicans are trying to stir up trouble, but I cannot prove it. I won't attempt to either. Instead, I'll simply hope they have enough sense not to press the issue, since our fate is tied up in theirs. Whatever little adventures you may try to start, just remember, what goes around comes around.

I love you all. However, remember LaTasha H. Because she held the key, the honor of God. Lord Jesus Christ Was With LaTasha. Even to that final moment. She was not wrong for what she did, but different. She was simply different. The lady running the store didn't even like Black people.

If you did, then why did you snatch her up like that? Why did you grab her? Was it like a daughter, you saying hey? Or like she was another creature? Why did you do this?

I believe you were dispirited and sent instructions to kill that girl. You were told to kill her. You were following orders. You did not regard her life. You were promised a ransom. Perhaps it was for my life's sake. I was but 4 months old when her mother died. I was a child from The Lord. Yet, I did not know LaTasha was born. 

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