Lord, so what if I'm pregnant. With ideas. I'll keep the baby. I don't have an actual baby. The joke is better in print.
Even if you're not funny, like me, then you still need to do comedy. No more waddling in wishes. Wishes don't buy dishes. Wishing upon, Lord, a star, is about as much fun as watching paint dry. It ain't happnin okz?
No question about it, I'm tapped. I want to smoke. I want to jack off, since I have no girlfriend. No woman. I love Brenda. No wife yet. Aww. If I had any of those three, I could keep my dick in my pants. If she was away from me.
I have a feeling all this fighting I may not be doing is actually the start of the truth - that Brenda is actually pregnant with a second child. I am a creep aren't I? First the woman says leave me alone, "move on", then I'm writing about her, talking about her... I'd write a showing but I'm afraid she'll sue!
I pushveveryone away, I'm a real jerk. I was mean to my woman, mean to friends. People were mean to me so I reacted. Alone I am, but blessed yet still.
Can I be with Brenda Lord? No. Get over me, I hear. This then I must do. Unless you mean well Lord. Shall I succeed in becoming a millionaire? Working to help would be delivered toLord Jesus Christ?
Thank You Lord. You are the holiest. Yo are able. You are happy when sadness is all there is. Also, you console the sad. I love Brenda Lord. I'll never get over you if I'm not meant to. I have the love. Other niggas don't.
In all labor there is profit.
Be my wife Brenda. I love you for YOU.
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