Monday, June 3, 2019

Mental health what is it

      Mental health is the ability to navigate society on a regular basis. Mental health is the strength of mind necessary to achieve basic social goals. When you go to the grocery store and purchase an item, pay for the item, put the item in your care, depart from the store, and leave their world for your own, you have practiced mental health. When you cannot simply go to the store and return, there is a breach in your mental health.

Mental health varies from state to state. There is a different form of mental health in Stockholm, Sweden, and Los Angeles, California. Mental health is a highly visceral matter. There are two forms of basic human health. There is functional, and applied. Mental health belongs to the functional family. Mental health is not taught, but learned through thousands of suggestions over the years about how to act, where to act, and what best to act with.

For example, you are not bringing out a knife at work, because clearly, this is wrong behavior. You may have a task involving a knife, but generally, you�d keep the knife in your pants. There�s no reason to get down on a knife at work. Getting down is having the knife out, playing with it, gesturing, and getting reprimanded. You do not need a knife at work for most of the time. This is seen a poor mental health, to carry this item diligently across tasks.

An example of good mental health is the ability to communicate effectively with other humans. There are a number of ways to communicate effectively with humans. The first is through direct conversation. You may ask questions and get the answers necessary through listening. Completing this cycle suggests you are of apt mental health. You are able to give and receive. You gave words, listened, and got words. You ate successful at communicating.

Mental health is not a basic flat surface. Again, the many forms of living dictate different mental "healths". Some places require you to be a good non verbal communicator. Other places require you to be a great verbal communicator. Other places still have a hold on actual communication � or talking through tasks. Let the work I�ve done speak for me, for example, are lyrics to a song depicting actual communication.

Good mental health is ability to navigate your society. You do not need to learn other social patterns, or perspectives, until you have mastered your own. You will have a small radius of reference to begin with. A baby, for example is only required to learn the space they�re in. They do not need to know yet the neighbor, the city, or the state. The baby is free to imagine, improvise, and enjoy the little life they have as big. They will eventually expand their point of reference to bigger subjects, such as the next room, the bathroom, upstairs, and outside.

People who do not exhibit sound mental health are those who have forgotten the way. This is because they do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot know all mental positions in their proportion without The Lord. From one second to the next, He is the Alpha and Omega. He knows all states of Mental health. He created mentality! The longer the person is not a believer of Lord Jesus Christ, the longer the person is stuck out in the world on their own volition, slave to their own devices. All they have now is the raw antennae to pick up whatever ragged mental paths they can connect to. They haven�t a clue that since these paths were not specifically designed for them, They are not following sound mental health.

In order to reverse the bad practice of ignoring mental health, or really evading society, one must encounter the bible. In these pages are accounts of people who did the same thing, and went against wisdom. Also found are the pages containing eternal wisdom, such as �cease from thine own wisdom.� There is eternal wisdom, which fits into any society.

In conclusion, Mental health is not a medically treatable condition, but rather a social condition. Mental health must be treated by the mind. Saturation of socially correct patterns results in reintegration into society in the correct manner. When one is socially accepted for essentially following the rules, the self esteem improves. They are no longer ostracized by not following or mishandling the rules grafted by society. Society has also branches, undercurrents and aspects which borrow still from the rooted society foundation.

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