Thursday, October 15, 2020

Don't you believe -


I love Brenda Lord.

Having a child is not McDonald's.

Hit me with some being good.

Winners and losers in games and sports. 

Not in life. Life is learning. 

It's only a matter of time 

when your decisions are based on pride.

I'd rather give it to you 

than not give it to you. 

I can be quiet about it

I know the feeling is mutual. 

Can you clean up 

I get tough. 

Keep rough

That's enough. 

I've poplar bluff

Not riding tough. 

I was scared for life. 

I thought was touched.

Please excuse my ardent rush. 

I want to make it

or catch the bus.  

Stronger hating. 

What does that have to do wit' your spirit?

Keep them nuts.

This is that nutkeeper.

I got the nuts. 


not testicles anymore. 

I thought of another analogy 

for sure.

Praise The Lord. 

You are here to overcome fear.

Fear The Lord only.

She can collect now.


11 pages


What's gon' happen.

Every time you see Joe Biden, 

- he looks like, Please let me win.

I know =

Real niggaz. 

Regular niggaz.

Stop with the expectations of other men. 

A good woman will do right for any man. 

When it is the right thing to do, she will help him. 

How more so her husband, his wife.

A man, looking for another man to come through, is wrong. Working together, you must account for one point damage. 

You must drive for yourself, and for others.

When you look both ways, it is because you are watching for other people.

So, when you are a man, when you know The Lord, because a man knows The Lord, then you don't ask men first! You ask The Lord about God. Ask Our Lord about God who made Him In Charge.

Another man, is going to give you the scraps, of what he found. Even putting his hands on it, is taking the blessing for himself.

You must first ask The Lord for Help. Only He Can Guide you right. 100% of the time. Not one time will The Lord Lead you astray. Not even one time. Believe on Him, and be saved.

I have taken the fools crown. I have worn it many days. Yet The Lord Preserves my life. Why? I knoweth not the mystery. I praise Him effortlessly because of this. 

I spoke of snakes trying to get me. Why, I don't know. I trust no man. I trust no other man but me. I love all men. I love all men including myself. Even David. Even Brenda. Even her father. Even all men. I love you. I don't like all of you. I don't think you all like me either. 

That's ok. We don't all have to agree on the same things. However, we live on the same Earth. There is no need to go beyond that fact, or try to make sense of why it's like that. The task in front of you is to love the other man, and give them the right to love you also. 

When I love you, I am for real. I love you for the character you have, for what you show, and who you are.

I don't know another person who's going to do me like that. I'll find her. And she'll be my wife. 

Brenda is one. She is more than she once was. The way it used to be it, it's not like that anymore. I remember the last days of that, and catching the bus. I now know what that means a little more. 

I wish I was the one tucking her in at night. Making every thing count. I don't want to feel left behind. 

I am happy for Leslie. As a matter of fact, I have a happiness tool to help her and me. Perhaps if I clear the air, I can pray and put the imprint there.  Then, if she sucks the air, she can find help.

Leslie taught me how to drive. She taught me how to drive by letting me use her car. 

I owe her a Thank You. I didn't want to overstep her word about comedy. She told me something and I didn't cross her words. 

I went later, but the same magic wasn't there. The season was over. 

I still have it, but another season has to come. It's like having ice cream in the winter. You can have it. Who'll eat it is another story. 

Remembering one rule will lead you to two. Each rule is as important as the stitch in fabric.  

Ask The Lord.

an hour.

You are older, it's supposed to be correct.

A soft answer turneth away wrath.

In all labour there is profit.

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