Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I have to keep going.

 You do too. Go on. Go on and don't stop now. Keep going on. Forever. Keep going on For ever. Don't stop what you are doing. Make more. Make as much as you can. Make a lot. Make another Julius Muffin. 

When you stop commanding me, I'll do it. I'll do a better job each time you stop commanding me. I have specific instructions for you. 

Love Brenda. 

Love yourself. 

Love your father. 

Love The Lord. 

The last is the first. You already know to do that. Specifically, love your mother more than you love your father. Love your father the measure you love Brenda, divided by .125. 

So when you love Brenda 14 times, one for the day of the month, you multiply 14 by .125. Whatever answer you get, do that amount more. So 14 plus 1.75.= So do 15 more. Prune the decimal points.

So there you go. It's that simple. Do the loving! You may start living. 

I don't know what the impact of this will be. I am thankful for all the people I've met - Fred Castro. All the people I've known in the past. I don't mind that people did what they did, what they had to do. Let it be so. Now, I'll do what I have to do. 

I'm not mad at anyone for what they had to do. I used to be mad, but then I realized that I wasn't working hard enough. When I'm doing my best, then my best will find me. I'll find more reasons to do better than what I was doing. What's wrong with writing a little more each day? Nothing. What, you don't have anything to say? Let's talk about Chicago. 

Now, from what I understand it, there are people getting killed over there every day. Why? For what? What are they standing to prove? Let's break it down. 

So, the first rule is self. You know The Lord. He Loves self. The Lord Loves your self. You. He Loves you. You matter to Him. The Lord Is Absolute.

I am grateful. How grateful I am. I think best to say that such thing. For the acreage is much, the laborers are few. Few are willing to go hard for The Lord. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like an infomercial to me. Let's write until we get a solid understanding. 

The first rule, and the second rule is faith. Where is your faith, in the people. The people have to have faith in themselves. When you have faith in yourself, there is no possible way you could fail. Even if all the people in the world are against you, there is prevalance for you. You shall prevail. 

The Lord Hath Spoken of this. Of such, you are to "dust" your feet from them. This means, whatever they are about, you leave it. You leave the scene. This does not mean death. This means exiting. This means finding the right way out of there. You are not wanted. This means you don't have to stay there. 

However, what if you must stay there? What if, by chance, you are born there? What then? 

Then you are to wash your feet shortly after, the best success being 24 hours or less from the point of contact. You are to pray, with any longstanding, suffering no intellect to why. 

When you are clean, then give account to The Lord. I don't see why every single day you aren't talking to The Lord. This is where. You know the hosting is there, it's not going anywhere. You know the sound is there, you have the files there, everything is there. The best thing about it is, you have a reason to put out all the cartoons you need to put out. I think if you put out the cartoons, then you'll have a better understanding of the life you are living around you. 

The people around you are ornaments. You are the reason for your success. Don't look to them to call you out of success. You are the only one who can make or break it for you. Your success is your intellect + wisdom. What you learn, and what you apply. Wisdom is knowing when. 

I now know nothing. I know nothing. I know nothing. I know, nothing. I know nothing. 

I desire every thing mine. Everything mine. I like myself. I like myself. I like myself. I can do this. I have to do this. I can get this what I need. Let's try that again, and then go into Proverbs 14. 

I like myself. I like myself. I like myself. I can do this. I can live a good life, moderate, and focused. Sure and standing, can my life be. If I just adjust the tools correctly. 

It's as if a beacon of reason has been put before my very intellect, allowing me to listen out for packages and keep them there for a long time. 

When you give your mother $100, you are blessing The Lord. You are giving love. 

Can you keep giving love like you're supposed to? I know you like to keep love. Love is good for you. I'm not going to be calling you out bad. Not anymore. I love Brenda. I love you. I love each one. However you have to treat me right. You can only treat me right. I regret one thing. 

I was in the car with another woman with Brenda also. I didn't drive at the time, and the woman, me and her kids had to get in the car. After the event, we dropped Brenda off in Long Beach. I wish I could have went with her, and been more kinder. I wish I could have. I don't know what I could have done to make it better. I don't know what my problem was or is. I don't know why I acted like that Lord. Why was I so cruel? Even stupid, and useless. What was it there that kept the way? 

Was it the people, because of Raul's game boy? Because of Raul's game boy, and Oscar's Game boy? I had one, and it was stolen by a kid named Robbie. I go figure now. Each day I learn more, but I still know nothing. There it is. Not even worth a game boy. To the people. 

However, to The Lord, you are worth everything. You have a worth to The Lord which exceeds the worth here. However, how to get to it, is the question. How do you get to The Lord's love? How do you get to The Lord's Love? 

I remember also eating a chicken quesadilla, a spicy chicken quesadilla. I remember that. I remember having the same perplex like, this is what I want to each, but can I trust. No, you cannot trust. Even still, I enjoyed my meal. That's what I'm saying. This is all the equipment you need to make $1000. You have to leverage it carefully. Put the albums together right. Where are some links at. Give me some, one quick please now:

Ok good. You're getting it. That's how you build worth. Give me the page with the right links on it. I'll come back to that page every time. 

You need to learn this for yourself. You may outrun for a while, and that's fine. Be sure to do that what you said, so you can enjoy your success too.  Too much weed is no weed at all. Think about that. The right amount is all you need. You don't need 10 grams a day. You need a few good puffs. Like 4 puffs will clear the day. Let's break it down.

24 hours/4 puffs = 6 times then. You can smoke 6 times. That's a good blunt! Six puffs a day will take you to a side of reality. Is that what you need - at a church? 

Take the time to reflect the reality you're living. 

Furthermore, suggest to me the right circumstance for you to be living in. 

God Bless you. 

Praise The Lord. 

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