Thursday, October 1, 2020

The cure for the curse

 Can you say "Jesus Saves"? Since that's the right answer, let me move on. 

I have long since all but abandoned my desire for a family. I want a family, do I need one? Yes. I need a family after all. In the meantime, how can "Jesus Saves" be the end-all for your celebration of benefits? How can you, stop being a taker and convert to a giver, right away? 

It was like yesterday. 

I remember this. I am talking, just like I am now, and I say "Jesus Saves". Suddenly, I hear a car squeak, a little bit, clowning. I immediately thought about my guidelines. I say to myself, If "Jesus Saves" is throwing you off, then you need to check how you're living. 

I need to check

We all need to check how we are living actively. Constantly check what you are doing. Check your behavior to see the which-a-ways you go. When you have a pattern, start writing it down. The rhythm of the pattern should tell you something. When you get a rhythm, do something with it. Can it go with another beat. Try out to be sure. 

Fear of trying out. 

When you are afraid, Fear Lord Jesus Christ. Fear the wrath of The Lord for you being judged. Fear what is to come, because there is no tomorrow without Him. It is impossible to please The Lord without Faith. Faith in The Lord, Faith in reason, faith in respect. Faith in all things. Faith is working prayer. Faith is doing the right thing, the right time. Faith is Lord Jesus Christ's Blessing upon all. Thank You Lord for Faith. 

Fear is a lack of faith. Whether you die or not, The Lord Remains. He is Sovereign. There is none higher. He Has Got your back. 24 hours, /7. Fear The Lord. Praise The Lord. 

When you fear right. 

When you fear The Lord, that's fearing right. Love The Lord is good too. You may love the Lord. True love is comfortable. Measure whether comfort is secure for you, at that time. Measurable security means, you love her, and she loves you. How much, you don't know. You learn something each day, but you only know what you are giving. You are hoping she gives back. 

Why not

Why not want to give back? Why not want to help? Why have a lot to yourself and not help others? That's the point there. When you have something, help someone. Don't worry about why. Just do it. You do what you like to do. Help someone else do the same. When you do that, maybe someone will do that for you one day.


When you fear The Lord First, I know this is like, a scary sight...that's how I gave it, I expect it to be given exactly like that. Don't freeze the chicken. You have to -   


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