Friday, November 13, 2020

Help is better than no help.

 Have you ever been betrayed? How fast can you forgive? It's going to happen again. However, what do you do with it? Do you tell yourself "It's ok. I'll be fine. I'll be alright. You want to forgive. Go on with your life. You want to be kind, let people have the best of you. You wish you had the reason to go on like you know you are supposed to. 

Can it be so that you go toe to toe? Let's get wind here - you can change. You can get better right now. Stop using other people. What's inside there (knock on head). When do you ask yourself the pressing question of where you are able to function? 

Where is your form? Who are you on the inside? The Lord Made you. Now what did he make? See it's the questions we ask ourselves that are deep inside our mind. I want to give it all away. Why? Why don't I want to keep it for myself? I wish Brenda was here with me. 

You know why? I want Brenda here with me because she was there. She wanted to be elsewhere. She didn't want me, as far as I knew. I didn't know why. I didn't ask why. I simply wanted to make her happy. I didn't know I could do that. I said I didn't know I COuld do that. 

I wanted to make her happy because I care. I still care. The song is right. Tell me if you still care. I do care. I care about alot. I care to ask. I care to congregate. I care to affiliate. I care to reason. I care to join. I care to join The Lord. There is no fight at the height of The Lord. There is no travesty. Only peace, sadness and illusion are bought up, and packaged for play. They are allowed only on the shelves of vast storehouses in Heaven. 

There is only Heaven in Heaven. You want to go there because, the legacy of your family will be blessed. There is nothing on the on earth worth your family. Let no man come between this sacred institution of family. I stand where I was born at, waiting for adversity. Come visit me, and see the punishment awaiting your very soul. 

I don't take kindly to people telling me what I can and cannot do. I wish people would realize they are not born alone. Your mother had to carry you. Since I know you have one, then respect mine. Don't tread on me. There's nothing worse than the person who feels they believe in ignorance. Not knowing the true love of The Lord Jesus Christ. Who awaits the failure of man? 

The downtrodden, the desitute, and the lostly. Notice, I did not say Lost. You aren't lost. You're just lostly. You want to be lost. You want to be out there.  Straggling and suffering. I don't see how you can realize that another person is supposed to wait to be happy. 

Who told you this? Am I supposed to wait on you to be happy? I'm not fint to wait on you to get right. I have to make my own measure. You'll tread on me if I don't. 

I had a time where I was at college arguing with my father about life. My mother had just had it with me. I was advancing in life and she had a hard time. She didn't want me to progress. It meant that she would be alone. Since she didn't want to be alone, she made sure I was going to have a hard time making it through college. At least then if I failed, it would be my own fauilt. 

I 'm not interested in people lying. You say it's you, but it's me. The best thing you can do is shut up. Get your work out, and go on about your business. Don't try to stand in my way, to educate me. You don't even have the degree I have. I'm not fint to sit up here and be critized and used, live and loud like that. 

Who in the world do you believe you are today? Don't know who told you or anyone. Why did you feel you could? You didn't ask me. You don't even care about my progress. So I'm not going to worry about making it easier for you. You didn't care then, and you sure don't care now. I don't want to hear it.

I want to hear work clicking over, or pressing the right buttons for the cash. I desire to see money flood right away. I desire money because I can keep the river going. Without money, there is no river. So I need a river. I need a river of money. I can make a river of money. I make a river of money now. 

This thanksgiving will be an interesting one. I think having turkey is ok, but eating and socializing means I have to measure people a little better. A wierder thanksgiving is better than no thanksgiving at all. 

What is with these theives? Have they no shame? What are they made of Lord? Man has no thorax. 

I don't think people realize the manure they can put people through with their attitudes. Still, they can take bad and make it good. Manure in the soil feeds plants, which feed the food we wash and eat. 

So perhaps this behaviour is like a fertilizer, giving way to a new birth of something good.  Forgive the people. They knoweth not a thing. I don't think if any numbered being came along, say a string of numbers, these people would understand. They are fragile. As a result, you have to be careful how you discipline them. Don't take them to task to explain themselves to you. 

Don't ask people to he you either. They don't want to. Instead, they want to help themselves to what you have. This is the nature of today. 2020. Let's dishonor order. Let's grab what we can, and say it's us. I'm tired of that. When I see some authentic detail, then I'll know what do next, with The Lord's Help. May Arianna, Brenda and Phaedra be well. May all the people I know be well. Even the theives. The ones who refuse to build, but tear down, forgive me. Don't let them feel left out. More than they already are. 

I think Brenda and I are meant to be together. The Mexicans are not the arbiter of this relationship. The Black man Julius is. I am in control of this relationship. You are not. You must realize this now, or suffer. You don't want to suffer do you? You want to live, be happy and healthy, right? I thought so. I think so still. 

Stay out of my way. If you catch you in mine again, I'll consume you for good. Ok? Ok. Alright. 


Thank You Lord. 

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