Wednesday, November 18, 2020

You can't sit still for long.

 So what the people think I'm gay. I'm not. I'm glad I'm not gay. That's a club. Clubs are not required to get into Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ Is. 

I think people often realize too hard the reality of life. They take in what they get around them and then make something out of it. You don't have to take the environment as reference. 

You may take something inside as reference. You may import other settings, such as a book. You may get inspiration from your wife. 

Whatever you choose to do, your point of reference is always the first place you'll go once you set it. Once you put it how you want it, or how it should go, then it's pretty much there. 

I went to visit a friend one Thanksgiving. I went to his house, and had some of his food. His woman liked me. I didn't do anything with her. I wouldn't, I just thought maybe he needed to brush up a bit with her. I was referring to our friendship. That was much more important to me than having a moment with his woman. I then didn't have any problems with that household from then on. 

So in this situation, where you have people trying to convince you stealing is right, then you have to refer back to the original intention of you being here. You're not here for them. You're not here for this church. You're here for The Lord. He Allowed you to be here. You know you didn't have any clue you'd be staying here at all, did you? 10 years ago, no one could have told you you'd be here, and be right. You'd have argued them down. 

Yet, think of all the moments leading up to no. You have these two, you have your experience here. They used to take up your time. You used to think of them, how to conclude the matter, yet you now are passed them. They're going to feed off of whoever is here. They are together a vacuum. That's fine. That's them. 

You don't have to refer to them as a model for correct behaviour. They did offer some tips, some advice, but they are theives. Theives don't have a place near honor. This is probably why you disagree so much. You can't just grab something from someone else and get going like others can. 

It's like eating someone else's food. They had the food for themselves during lunch time, but here you come. You see they have chicken, you like chicken, and you take it. After eating their chicken, you conclude it was fine because you've helped many people in life, so you are entitled to steal from whomever you wish. Some of your success is actually the result of stealing then, too. 

But still, you are known for this. People know you for this. They know you to be a hound for what you can siphon. You are known for this ability. You wear it, like a crown. I can take and collect, and fight for what I have taken. I am fortified by my relationships. I come upon power and seize the exploits. I am proud of this. 

A great many people, several folks do this. Several types of characters frizzle about, and take what they find. All the way inside, is treasure untold. It takes time to get there. It takes time to realize. Still, you see the results in others, and say, "that should be mine." You then attempt to seize it. 

If you cannot right away steal, you will sabotage the efforts you can. You say, "they are trying to advance," and you stand in the way. The problem is, the Bible says NOT to do this. In Psalms 1. Don't stand in the way. Yet, here you are, advanced in your many techniques to trip people up. All in the name of stealing what they have, and calling it yours. 

This is popular among people because it validates what they are also doing - the same thing. Very rare is the character who is to himself. Who is to herself. Who has their own way. Very seldom do you find this person. 

They are out there, somewhere. When you find them, you seek the vulnerabilities to plant seige. You want to annex more to your network. Your concern is conquest. You need to be heard. You have worked too hard. Too long have you toiled. This is yours, no matter what. You will not even listen to The Lord. 

What happens to this folk, only The Lord Knows. When they die, go to Heaven or not, what happens to them? What got a hold of them as children to where this is how they are? What did they do to cause this? Do you need to worry about it, once you identify who is acting like this in your life? They'll steal again, whatever is in reach. 

Others will not stop them. Others will not try. Instead, they will take whatever attention they get, and go from there. They know not the source of this group belongs to another man. 

These people are humbled by their own mockery. They submit in the end. They submit because they are thieves. Better to eat and starve. They stole to eat, so they are spared of death. However, they learn a sharp lesson when they approach with aggression. 

There is no aggressive thief allowed in the Church. There is no such thing as stealing for The Lord. There is only trouble there. You may not delegate the trouble to someone else. 

The thief submits. They do not take responsibility for their actions. For this, they are weakened with each theft. They may try with force to continue, but this force is not blessed. They may even try and steal that too. 

What they will do is protect their interests. Make no league with a thief. Attracting such characters, which do work hard, and are diligent, even in their meddling, you must simply be a source of inspiration. They are almost robotic, and are not moved by kindness. 

These only understand blunt force, and violence. Prayer can reach them, and is used by them as a tool. Yet, The Lord Seems To Hear Them because of their diligence. 

Are you one of them? Do you take from others and pronounce yourself? Do you say this is mine now? Do you drive other people's cars? 

When you get in the habit of forcing your way, and come across a serpent, stop doing that. The serpent will strike. If bitten, you may die. Is arrogance worth death? 

The Lord Is No Force. The Lord Is A Spirit. He Loves You. The Holy Spirit Lives Forever. You do not. Learn the lesson of proper care from Him. Put The Lord First. Not where you get ready. Not when you get ready. Not how you're feeling, let's see. Now, and forever. The Lord Is Number One. Remember that. 

Sabotage is a sign of progress. If everyone is against you, or trying to take something from you or hurt you, let them die alone. Leave them alone. They'll fade out in time. Until, then, enjoy the ride! Those people can't hurt you. They don't want to be hurt. They are cowards. If you approach them with the same force and folly, they'll run. They can't even take their own reflection. You don't ahve to worry about such types. 

People learn to get along eventually. Give yourself the advantage and try to get along. You may not like all the people. So what. They don't all like you. That's alright. Yet, fight not against them, but the problems within yourself. Fight what's in you. Not them. They are afflicted. They are afflicted thieves. Do not judge them harder than you judge yourself. Wise also is to remember the folly you produced also. 

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