Saturday, January 4, 2020

I like how the nigga said "music".

You don;t have to steal. you can be inspired. It's like having a happy meal. you don't have McDonald's on your lips, do you? No you have a happy meal you bought. What sense does that make? I don't know, you tell me. But I won't leave it there. I had a dream, let me tell you about it.

All I know is, there was a girl there. Some woman. That's it. She was Black. But I don't know who she was. I was horny, I know that. I have to resist. The reason is because after I splack, there is no child in a womb. There is no pregnancy without a mother. There is no child without my wife. I'm not going to do all this, just nut and that's alright sh at 35. There's no way you can waste your splack any more.

Let me tell you what's not a waste - really passionate abandon. There's a jackpot if you wait. If you just hold out, not like a game, where you deny your feelings, but like a ritual, where you observe respect for your loins. You don't go all out with your body. You just give a little bit at a time, and enjoy the feeling of power over your flesh. Then, one day you will have your moment, if your wife is not near. You will enjoy a good release.

Mind you I am Julius Donelle McClendon. I have the dash. I have funny. I have compassion. I have honor. TThese things I have. They cannot be bought unless I package them. They cannot be stolen. They can only be earned, or given at birth.

The Dash is given at birth. Nipsey Hussle had the dash. Ermias Asghedom had the dash, nigga. He was dashing around, had a dashing personality. Was able to dash. The best of his class. He was a great soul. He was a pharoah before. Under the ocean, in a Ecco Chamber, is the item now. You may see for yourself. But I cannot verify my thoughts.

He might have ganked the Dash from Me. I have it since Birth. The dash is an immutable quality. No one can match you. You cannot be beaten. You are strong, you are agile, able, and wise. The Lord Is With you. Yet, you are to be growing, like the rest of life. You are no better, and are humbled by this.

As I was trying to get to sleep, a cat seemed to infiltrate my nuts. Now, I am no cat. I may have feline tendencies, but a man you see. Yet, the cat was able to talk to me. I fantasized about making love to Brenda. This is wierd creepy since she told me to move on. Get away, restraining order. All of that. I'm not certain going against such words is wise. So I did not, and did listen to her. Yet I still fantasize. Still want to suck those titties. Still want to make love to her. To show her I love her. So that she can feel better. I know where she's at, she not having fun. She may lie, front, and be a soldier for her choice. She made her bed kind of thing. But she still needs to clown. That's her nature.

I know because I am a clown. A natural clown, did you know that? A phenomenon of Lynwood. Wow. Someone real who can clown. Who knows about down. Who knows what is up. And who is committed To the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the marking of God Uon the Earth. Not that I'm God, but that God Is Using me to work here.

Let's go to work now, speaking of which. I have to make this 4 to get the 30, so I can go to the store and pull out 20 something, and then I can eat and pay my tithes. I scrape along now, but make no mistake, I'm learning new sh each day. One of these days, I'm going to put up a web page like I said. I'm going to design. One day:

I design my website right tight with might, and

I upload 3 pages a day,

2 sales pages,

1 clown page, where I just clown and act stupid.

2 business pages, one clown page a day. So at the end of the year, it's like 300 pages up. Then I'll see if I earn or not.

I'll have two paths, marked by a splash page. The splash page will be like "welcome to Then you'll be like "Which way to go?" The dad way, or the lesson way.

It's DAD


LESSON is all nice and high class.

DAD is depth. Each page has a linking to another page deeper inside. So you'll be like 300 pages deep. Guess where all the clowi

There then you will feel a surge of pride and intensity. so there it is. You don't w

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