Friday, November 15, 2019

Find someone else

This is what I was told. I was shocked.

I thought we would be together. Were we? Yes, for a time. I am. Grateful also. So I am grateful.

Thank you Lord. You sent a winner. Thank you for winning. Thank You. Thank You for losing. Thank You for taking. Thank you for stealing being atoned. Thank You.

I quit not. I didn't quit. I kept the same thing I told you I'd have. Take the little potion. Take the railroad closet. Take the prince charming. Take the ultimate effects. Take the winner. Take the loser to win. Make the loser an winner.  Make it right the first stime.

You have a reason to pass it. Take the measure of April.

Who is April?

Your mother. Call her. Call her in one hour.


You are welcome.

Who is This?

The Lord.

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